Learn about Anti-Cancer Natural Therapies in the links below. Find information on cancer programs, Videos, Research and cancer herb protocols using alternative therapies and herbs.
- These programs in the countries listed above are administered by renound Oncology doctors who trained as standard medical doctors, then grew so disappointed at the patient outcomes that they went into alternative cancer therapies.
- You will never hear about these anti-cancer natural therapies from your oncologist here in the US. That is why people travel to these foreign countries to receive these alternative cancer treatments not available in the US.
- If you research this from the view of standard medicine, you will only find negative articles and data. Standard medicine makes a fortune off of chemo and radiation treatments and drugs. They will never support any other therapy here in the US because of this.
- Even if they have no therapy to offer you and have told you to go home to die, they will not give you information about alternative cancer treatments. This is sad and criminal. They will tell the patient these therapies are snake oil and will waste their time and money. Just go home and get your family ready for your death.
Important Articles,Websites, FB Groups and Videos to Explore below on the real truth about chemo and radiation success!
- Learn The actual truth on the failure of chemo and radiation therapy that they lie to you about. This a must-read paper on how you are being misled by your doctor and the system. https://icnr.com/articles/is-chemotherapy-effective/
- Video link below on how the oncologists misrepresent the real effectiveness and risks of chemotherapy below: You need to listen to this folks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r14pSzQQNnkCancer Lives on Sugar Video
Anti-Cancer Natural Therapies Links below in Blue
The sites below will give you knowledge on how cancer is being treated here and around the world with success.
The Truth About Cancer Website
32 Natural Therapies to Consider over Chemo and Radiation standard treatments.
They have seminars every year with interviews from around the world about alternative medicine and anti-cancer treatments found in countries like Asia. I listen to them free every year but have the whole series of their seminars as well in my library.
Read an in-depth research study on anti-cancer alternative herbs and their properties below:
About cancer-fighting herbs- research study published in Pub Med
Curcumin which is a property of Turmeric
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) found in Green Tea Extract
Berberine which is a property of Goldenseal Herb and Oregan Grape Root
Artemisinins from Wormwood herb
Ginsenosides from Ginseng roots
Ursolic acid (UA) found in different berries
Emodin- Emodin (Fig. 2) is an anthraquinone derivative isolated from many plants including Rheum palmatum, Polygonum cuspidatum, Polygonum multiflorum, and Cassia obtusifolia.
Chris Beat Cancer Website– “I was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in 2003. After surgery, I opted out of chemo and used nutrition and natural therapies to heal. Today I’m healthy, strong, and cancer-free! If you’d like to learn how to help yourself heal or prevent cancer, you’ve come to the right place!” This man is a survivor and thriving after cancer. He has a lot to offer on advice from the cancer trenches. Chris has a whole system including diet, tapes, and other valuable help at his site.
Learn about the Gerson anti-cancer protocol below:
“Developed in the 1920s by Dr. Max Gerson, the Gerson Therapy™ is a natural treatment system that activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself by treating the underlying cause of degenerative disease – toxicity and nutritional deficiency — through a specific protocol consisting of an organic, plant—based diet, raw juices, detoxification, and natural supplements.”
The Eden Prescription
His site contains a lot of great articles and research on one of the oldest cancer protocols.
Anti-Cancer Natural Therapies Links
10 Natural Cancer Treatments to Consider – Dr. Axe (draxe.com)
Dr. Axe has this great article on alternative cancer therapies, including the Gersen protocol.
Alive and Well ( I am a affiliate of their Products and support them!)
Alive-N-Healthy is a mother-daughter team of holistic medical writers who have dedicated their lives to finding scientific research that has been buried, covered up, or that has simply just not been applied yet in conventional medicine. They sell some great Cancer E Books and Lyme Disease Ebooks that are well worth buying..
Their cancer products and Ebooks (AD)
Their story is quite fascinating and lets you know all the years of work they have put into their website.
“Lydian was homeschooled by Jennifer and she spent time shadowing alternative medicine practitioners and indigenous healers in various countries throughout the world from Latin American to Africa and Asia as part of her curriculum. Though she has experience with conventional medicine, her schooling was weighted more toward herbalism, vibrational medicine, and nutrition for healing, which gives her a different and sometimes more expansive perspective on healing that goes beyond conventional medicines. She married a young man from Myanmar whose uncle-cousin was a shaman and she’s spent a considerable amount of time learning ancient cooking methods and how to prepare healing foods from all over the world. Lydian and Jennifer studied hypnotherapy, shamanic healing, and Reiki together over the past 10 years. Lydian is also an expert on the use of crystals for healing.
Over the past 10 years, Jennifer (mother) and Lydian (daughter) have traveled to nearly 50 countries to explore traditional medicine in tribal communities as well as medical tourism facilities that offer unconventional treatment methods for diseases that conventional medicine has failed to cure. They look beyond Western medicine and study other medical models that offer clues and cures for common (and rare) but devastating diseases. And while doctors currently ignore the role of nutrition in disease (most doctors take 1 or no nutrition classes as part of their education), Jennifer and Lydian always incorporate a “food as medicine” approach into their writing and their work with clients. The role of food and nutrition in health is another topic that they have explored hands-on in every country they’ve visited.”
Glenn Sabin

This man conquered CLL and this is documented. CLL is Chronic Leukemia. I suggest you read his book, n of 1, which documents his fight and success over CLL. His group on FB listed below has at least one person beating CLL using his guidelines. You will find little success with CLL other than this book. Research K2, Vit A, Turmeric, and Black Seed oil and leukemia and you will find studies that give hope to slow it down and in some cases defeat it.
Anti-Cancer Thrivers with Glenn Sabin (his FB group)
He is a cancer coach as well. You can book appointments with him by zoom.
Essiac Tea–
You will not find any standard medicine websites, including Web MD, to support Essiac Tea. I have used it for some 30 years to support my kidney and bladder function after a fall that damaged those organs. I personally know its value in supporting and helping your kidneys and bladder to expel the toxins as they should.
I have known one person in my life who used it successfully for cancer. That was many years ago.
Dr. Axe has the fairest article on the subject of Esseac Tea. If you go to the FB groups about fighting cancer naturally, you will find patients who had success using it.
With every alternative cancer treatment, there are patients that get well using some of these therapies and some who still die despite them. Most of these patients have already gone through chemo, radiation, and surgery already before they try alternative cancer therapies.
The history of Esseac Tea—-make your own judgment after reviewing the history of Esseac Tea and some of the testimonials found there.
Join the FB groups listed below
You can read real people using Essiac to make your own determination on trying it for your cancer.
There are links to others using different alternative medicine therapies to fight their cancer below.
Facebook Groups to Join
There are real people using these therapies.
You must search for these groups using the group names below on the FB search and then join them.
Anti-Cancer Thrivers with Glenn Sabin– There are several people who are working with their CLL cancer you should read. It’s a great group I belong to among the others.
Always Hope Cancer Protocol Support Group
Cancer healing, the holistic approach
Curing Cancer Naturally – True Stories from Real People
The Eden Prescription
Essiac: Natural Cure for Cancer
Essiac a Tea for Cancer
Fenbendazole Protocol – Cancer Support Community
SQI Support Group is run by Chris who beat cancer using natural therapies.