Need to Contact Cathryn Freer, the Herbladyisin?

Contact me if you are interested in coaching with me by phone or Zoom. Phone is 970-360-9079 Text only. I might be with a client.
Visit my Coaching Information page here
I am available for freelance or blogging assignments.
Learn How I became an Herbalist here… journey to health and wellness.
Submit general questions and site problems below to my email. Allow 48 hours for an answer.
Questions….Problems with this website?
Please let me know in your email whether it is a technical problem with the site!
Submit questions or interest in submitting your own articles to get published here.
I would have to approve the article first.
I would not accept spammy articles that read like an advertisement.
I do not answer personal health questions or advise on the phone or email without being in a client-coach relationship.
My articles are for education only.
We will try our best to respond back to you within 24 hours.
970-360-9079 Text Only