Thoughts? Who do you think you are?
Do you think of yourself as a failure? Too old? Too sick to get well?
Do you look at the mirror and cringe at what you see?
What do you say to yourself as you look at your wrinkles or dark circles under your eyes?

Are you just plodding from one day to the next and trying to get through?
Have you stopped looking at the future other than to feel depressed?
What are those dark voices whispering to you?
Can you change this path to unhappiness? Do you want to? If you stay where you are now, where will that lead you?
Life IS what you focus on.
Life is what you actively do!
You determine your next steps! No matter what the circumstances?
Joy is a choice!
There are many steps in your life you can take now with no money. As an example, you can walk around your house if you are snowed in or do exercises. If you are wheelchair bound, there are exercises you can do sitting down.
Think about what you can do, not what you can’t. There are people who draw paintings with their feet. There is a man who has no limbs but is a motivational speaker who travels the world inspiring others. Limitations are only in our mind. Even people who are dying can be inspiring to others to live with more quality.

Your thoughts of who you think you are define who you will become!
We have millions of thoughts each day and if you think about it, most are negative.
I challenge you this week!
Do an experiment this week and write down your thoughts during the day. At the end of the day, Focus on the quality of those thoughts. Are they negative or positive? Do they uplift you or make you feel worse? Time to change folks.
This is where you need to begin to change your life this week!