The Alternative Medicine Article Directory
Resources Guide & Blogs
Holistic Education, Health and Wellness articles, and resources to help you solve problems holistically with herbs and alternative medicine? Get the help you need through holistic health educators, Lyme and Wellness Experts, and Lyme resources! Find the highest-rated herbal education programs, and so much more.
Please Follow me on X@CathrynFreer)

Journey to Holistic Healing for Body, Mind and Spirit Blog
Learn how to get your life and health back from Lyme and other health issues! My holistic healing blogs are grouped under different topics of interest.
Click on the blue LINKS Below to check out my special blog posts in each subject category below:
Special Blog posts below
Andrographis Conquers Colds, Flu, Viruses and Inflammation
The Amazing Properties Of Neem as an Antibiotic, Antifungal, Antiviral and anti-inflammatory
How to take herbs safely and effectively.
How to Use Herbs Effectively for Colds, Flu, and Infections.
Blogs By Subject
Lyme Disease, Chronic Lyme, and its co-infections
Ayurvedic Herbs and How to Use Them
Brain fog, memory, and brain health.
Cancer /Alternative Cancer Treatments
Herb profiles and how to use them.
Herbs: Antiviral and Antimicrobial
How to live a healthier lifestyle in mind, spirit, and body.
Medical Mushrooms for health, brain health, and immune system health. How to use them.
Learn about different herbs, what health problems they are used for, and how to use them.
#1: Learn how to live your life using holistic and wellness principals that will improve your health and brain function. Learn through the greatest teachers, such as Dr. Axe, Dr. Mercola and Dr. Bill Rawls and other holistic greats!
#2: Suffering from Lyme Disease or its Co-infections?
Click on the BLUE links below to find expert knowledge and Lyme resources to help you get back your health. You need help from Lyme Literate doctors and their websites. Standard medicine doctors and their websites do not hold the answers. These standard medicine websites downplay Lyme Disease complications, the problems in standard testing and treatment and the thousands who are infected, hurting, and go without help.
Learn From the Lyme Disease Experts HERE
Lyme Organizations for the Newest Research and News About Lyme
Learn what Lyme Tests are the most accurate!
Buy the Best Lyme Disease Books to help you guide your Recovery.
#3: Learn where to research alternative medicine and herbs for yourself and your health, such as GreenMedPro.
Learn where to research your problem and find answers. Google is not going to show you these research resources because google is trying to destroy alternative medicine. They DO NOT want you to find out how much research is and has been available on herbs, alternative therapies, and herbal cancer therapies. These are resources where you can find double-blind studies, research papers, and herbal usage and information. Click on the blue link below.
Find The TOP Holistic Health Research Institutions Links.
#4: Discover Herb Courses and Herb Degree programs to become an herbalist professionally or just to help your own family are below:
The Top Herbal Education and Degree Programs
Learn about different herbs, what health problems they are used for, and how to use them.
Health and Wellness begins with knowledge!
Knowledge gives you the power to take back your health, and your life! Taking this knowledge in and using it for yourself is the most difficult part and that is where people find themselves very frustrated.
You have to start somewhere. It’s difficult and filled with frustration at times, but you can feel better. I say that from experience. People need hope in the seemingly never-ending search for answers to feel better. Along with hope, they need some guidance down the difficult path to wellness. I hope to be a guide for others to find answers and a path.
This is Cathryn Freer, the Herbladyisin. I am the owner of this site and an herbalist for over 35 years. I am a health and wellness coach as well. My passion is research and finding holistic answers. I live and practice what I write about in these posts and articles about herbs and alternative medicine.
Researching alternative medicine and herbs is my passion!
I do the work you have no knowledge or time to do. I spend hours on PubMed and other research sites finding new research and answers that mainstream medicine will not tell you about. I dig out the answers that are there but mainstream medicine and media such as U-tube, FB, and mainstream news work to bury.

My main goal is to direct you to information and resources that will help you on your path to wellness whether it be Lyme disease or other health issues.
I have experience with fighting the battle for better health because I have Chronic Lyme disease and experienced three concussions which makes it a challenge some days. I have been there in the fight to get someone to listen and take you seriously. I have been frustrated with going to doctors and getting nowhere. I do understand how hopeless it feels at times. This site is to give you hope on your journey, hope to keep fighting, hope that there are answers, and hope that what you are feeling now will not be forever.
When I first got sick with Lyme disease 6 years ago, I had lost my balance, my memory was deteriorating, and there were so many weird symptoms I thought I had cancer or Parkinson’s. I was really scared, even with my expertise in herbs and holistic medicine.
I was scared. After being diagnosed with Lyme Disease, I was relieved. I thought that Lyme disease was a better diagnosis than cancer. I had no idea that Lyme is so difficult to recover from and how devastating it can be mentally and physically. It has taken me 4 years to recover enough to write again and live a somewhat normal life again. Others are fighting ALS, MS, and so many other life-altering diseases. Some of you are so tired and miserable enough to think about suicide or ending it all. The fight is hard but don’t give up.
Finding alternative medicine and herbal articles is a frustrating journey.
There are so many articles that give different advice and much of it criticizes the use of herbs, vitamins, and herbal remedies. there are no easy answers. Each path is different and requires a different program. At this point, you have found that your answers are not in standard medicine with antibiotics, medicine with side effects, chemo, and radiation. There are other answers but the internet will not let you find them easily. They are buried after pages of paid ads and searches.
In your search for health, it is always the articles written by the same main sources such as the CDC or Web MD shown first in your searches. They pay for their point of view and information to be in the first few search results.
redo That is because it is written and produced by sources such as Web MD whose main intent is to scare you and direct you back to standard medicine, antibiotics, chemo, and radiation.??????redo
They will tell you that alternative medicine has not been tested or verified as effective. That is not true.