Thank you for visiting the Holistic Education, Research, and Resources Directory with links to in depth research databases with published double-blind studies.
Discover links to the most respected holistic health experts and educators like Dr. Mercola. Learn about schools for holistic medicine below. Learn about natural cancer therapies here on this page. Learn from the best alternative medicine research sources!
Knowledge is Powder to take back your health and make more informed healthcare decisions.

Improve your health and take back your healthcare decision with the Outstanding resources listed below:
Holistic Education, Research Data Bases –
Resources found in the blue link above; Pub Med or the National Library of Medical Research, Orthomolecular Medicine Research Website, Cleveland Clinic Libray, The Botanical Institute, World Wide Health Directory, Alliance for Natural Health, Science Open Research, Banyan Botanical Research, Udemy Courses on Ayurvedic Medicine
This link above will take you to the resources above. These resources are for those who want to research your disease or herbs to find holistic answers that have been used in research studies for various diseases.
You will find research databases with published double-blind studies and other research on alternative medicine, herbs, and therapies.
There are published studies using herbs and other alternative medicines that can give you insight into what steps to possibly try to overcome your health problems. It takes some time and work to research but is well worth your efforts in your fight for real health.
Doctors Listed in the above link page: Dr. Mercola, Dr. Andrew Saul, Dr. Zach Bush, Dr. Jeff Bland, Daniel Amen, MD on brain and memory health, Dr. Will Cole on Functional Medicine, Dr. Bill Rauls expert on Lyme Disease, Click the blue link above to access these resources.
Learn from the best holistic doctors who are medical experts and educators including Dr. Mercola You will find two Lyme Disease experts to help you recover from Chronic Lyme Disease. These men with their articles, books, and websites can put you on the path to overcoming your health challenge naturally. You will gain information that can help you make more informed decisions about your health.
If you have come to the end of your patience with drugs that only make you worse with heavy-duty side effects and invasive treatments that don’t get to the real cause of your health symptoms, learn as much as you can from these experts in alternative and holistic healing.
Cancer Natural Therapies on the page above will include The Truth About Cancer Website, Anti-Cancer Natural Therapies Links, Research Studies, Chris Beat Cancer Website, The Eden Prescription, Anti-Cancer Thrivers with Glen Sabin, About Esseac Tea, and more. Click the blue link above to access these resources!
Learn more about anti-cancer natural therapies by clicking on the blue link above on this page. You have the right to know there are alternative answers to cancer treatment.
Investigate educational resources on the blue link above to become an herbalist or for self-education including The Appalachian Ctr of Natural Health, Appalachia School of Holistic Herbalism, ArborVitae School of Traditional Herbalism, Blue Ridge School Of Herbal Medicine, Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine, Maryland University of Integrative Medicine, Learning Herbs with Rosemary Gladstar, Chestnut School of Medicine, David Winston Center for Herbal Studies, Sage Mountain Botanical Sanctuary, School of Health, American School of Healthcare Services, Won Institute of Chinese Medicine, and more.