Journey to Holistic Healing for Body, Mind and Spirit Blog

Ready for a New Healing Start in 2025

Journey to Holistic Healing for Body,Mind and Spirit Blog

Journey to Holistic Healing for Body, Mind and Spirit
Journey to Holistic Healing for Body, Mind and Spirit blog

Join me to learn how you can get your life back from Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, and other debilitating health problems through holistic health and healing by changing your lifestyle habits and improving your heart, mind, and body. I have spent 40 some years using herbs and alternative medicine to conquer any health issues that came my way.I live using holistic principals, lifestyle, and herbs.



You don’t have to be sick, there is a path forward to enjoy life again.  I have fought some of your same battles, including Chronic Lyme. 7 years ago I was diagnosed with Lyme and got extremely sick. I didn’t know what hit me! I was burning eggs and couldn’t remember my kids’ birthdays. Today I am writing again and have recovered my life and brain health. It’s difficult to say the least, but you have to start somewhere and this blog is a good place to start.


My holistic healing blogs are grouped under different topics of interest. There are links as well to important blogs you need to read. Click on the blue LINKS Below to check out the different topics:


Please help my holistic research and work by Following me on X  @CathrynFreer 


Special Blog posts below

Review Alive and Healthy EBook Store Find hard to find Ebooks and supporting products about Cancer, COVID-19 Healing and recovery, Lyme, Autism, Herpes and More! 

Andrographis Conquers Colds, Flu, Viruses and Inflammation

The Amazing Properties Of Neem as an Antibiotic, Antifungal, Antiviral and anti-inflammatory 

How to take herbs safely and effectively.

How to Use Herbs Effectively for Colds, Flu, and Infections.

How Lyme is misdiagnosed as ALS, MS. CFS, Fibromyalgia, and other Diseases

Blogs By Subject 

Lyme Disease, Chronic Lyme,  and its co-infections

Ayurvedic Herbs and How to Use Them

Brain fog, memory, and brain health.

Cancer /Alternative Cancer Treatments

Herb profiles and how to use them.

Herbs: Antiviral and Antimicrobial

Holistic health principals 

How to live a healthier lifestyle in mind, spirit, and body.

Medical Mushrooms for health, brain health, and immune system health. How to use them.

Moringa/Super Foods Blogs

Research, and news. 

Women’s health naturally