Learn About Anticancer Herbal Remedies

Are you searching for alternative anticancer herbal remedies?  Learn about different anticancer herbal remedies such as DMSO, Chorine Dioxide, Frankincense, black seed oil, and many other health-changing protocols.

You probably have already found, your searches in Google won’t get you very far. The big medical outfits like Web MD, the AMA, and Big Brother pay for the first pages of every search you make. If you find anything, you will be told that herbal medicine and natural anticancer therapies are not effective or dangerous.  Their whole intent is to push you into standard cancer treatment.

Let’s first look at why modern standard medicine is so afraid of people learning about these natural anticancer herbal remedies. It is all about the billions that Big Pharm companies make off chemo drugs and therapies. 

Are Cancer rates rising? YES

In Today’s world, cancer rates are rising.  Jan 12, 2023 · In the US in 2023, a total of 1.9 million new cancer cases (about 5,370 cases each day) and 609,820 deaths from cancer are expected to occur (about 1,670 deaths a day).

Does Chemo and radiation treatment work to cure cancer?

Watch the video below on YouTube by Dr. Eric Berg, DC about the failure of chemotherapy and radiation against cancer. You will not believe how they mislead you on cancer death stats.



Chris Beat Cancer!  Do you want to beat Cancer holistically?

This is an excerpt below from Chris Beat Cancer on how ineffective and damaging Chemo is, ” If you’ve read my posts on chemotherapy then you know that my reasons for rejecting chemotherapy were:

– Chemo causes permanent damage throughout the body.

– It destroys your immune system, which is the most critical component in getting well.

– Many chemo drugs are carcinogenic and can cause secondary cancers.

– The reports of its effectiveness are grossly exaggerated.

A groundbreaking 14-year study was published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in December 2004 called “The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies”.

Researchers at the Department of Radiation Oncology at the Northern Sydney Cancer Centre studied the 5-year survival rates of chemotherapy on 22 types of cancers in the US and Australia.

They studied 154,971 Americans and Australians with cancer, age 20 and older, that were treated with conventional treatments, including chemotherapy.

Only 3,306 had a survival that could be credited to chemotherapy.

Study Results:
“The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1 % in The USA”

Study Conclusion:
“As the 5-year survival rate in Australia is now over 60%, it is clear that cytotoxic chemotherapy only makes a minor contribution to cancer survival.  To justify the continued funding and availability of drugs used in cytotoxic chemotherapy, a rigorous evaluation of the cost-effectiveness and impact on quality of life is urgently required.”

Chemo Only Contributes About 2% to overall 5-year survival!

This is probably also something that your doctors didn’t mention.

It is important to remember that the “2.1% average” can be deceptive. Some cancers do respond better to chemo than others.

According to this research, the best results from chemotherapy are in treating testicular cancer.

In testicular cancer, chemo is 41.8% effective toward 5-year survival.

In Hodgkins Disease, chemo is 35.8% effective toward 5-year survival.”

  • Chemo can also cause memory loss for weeks or months after ending treatment!  Chemo is a sledgehammer to the overall health of your immune system.
  • Second cancers that come up months or years later are also prevalent.



Anti-Cancer Websites …..click on the blue link below to go to my page directory listing natural websites to help to conquer cancer.

Visit my Anti-Cancer Natural Therapy Website Directory to Learn how to fight your cancer holistically.


Where can I go to learn more about Anticancer Natural Remedies and how to begin getting back my health?

Knowledge is POWER!

I have found a wonderful company called Alive and Healthy whose site is filled with anticancer native remedy Ebooks on almost every cancer protocol there is.  They also have some great courses and products for your journey as well.

The site’s owners have expertise as medical researchers with extensive worldwide education and experience who will give you the information you must have to treat your cancer without chemo and radiation. 

I have bought several of their ebooks and they are worth every penny you pay for them.  Finding this information is difficult because of the surveillance of Big Brother and the AMA.

Please visit Alive and Well to take the first step in using Anticancer Natural Therapies.

I will let you know, I do make a small percentage off of any sales but I believe in their products.  I would not be supporting their site if I did not believe in their ability to help you find this important information.

Your purchase helps me fund the cost of my site and helps Alive and Well fight for your right to learn about anticancer herbal remedies.

You will not regret taking this first important step to regain your health and right to choose how you treat yourself. Please visit Alive and Well today!