Learn from the Lyme Disease Experts

Learn from the Lyme Disease Experts Below

If you want to get your life back from Lyme Disease and its co-infections, Visit these sites and learn from the Lyme Disease Experts below. On their websites, you will find videos, articles, protocols and a wealth of information you need to recover and get your life back on track.

You will learn some primary differences in how the co-infections manifest themselves in symptoms, why the Elisa and Western Blog are inadequate, how to find a Lyme literate doctor to order the tests you do need, and how to treat yourself using the herbal protocols. Lyme Disease is a long path to recovery but you need to start here with the experts on this page.  

Dr. Lou Rawls

Note Dr. Rauls does treat patients via long distance and in his office as well. 

Dr. Rawls’s protocols are mainly what I used to get well.  I do not do well on antibiotics. With my herbalist training, his books and protocols made the most sense to me. I have attended many of his classes, read and own his books, and have great admiration for him. He knows so much because he became sick with Lyme Disease. It nearly cost him his practice. He went the standard antibiotic route and then found that the herbal route was the one he got well with. He knows how Lyme feels and how it can destroy your life and career if you don’t treat it properly!

One of the great experts who uses the herbal approach. He explains the problems with using antibiotics to treat Lyme and why the herbal approach is better for your overall health and path to wellness. This is especially needed for those who do not have the money for the testing or expensive Lyme doctors or who do not want to go the antibiotic path. He saved my life with his books. I cannot take antibiotics without getting sick so his protocols were my path to wellness.

About Lou Rawls and his journey of overcoming Lyme Disease and Chronic Lyme Disease. He now helps many thousands of people through his books, lectures, and articles on every aspect of Lyme Disease, its stages, and its complications. I followed his protocols and he is my mentor.  He should be your mentor too if you want to get back your health. He still works with patients as well.  He has been through all of it which is why his site is so amazing.  I found Dr. Buhner’s site later which also has some of the same protocols.  


Dr. Bill Rawls’ Lyme Treatment Guide | RawlsMD

Herbal Therapy | Dr. Rawls’ Lyme Disease Treatment Guide (rawlsmd.com)

Dr. Bill Rawls on Using Herbal Treatment for Lyme Disease (getwellbe.com)

Dr Rawls Herbal Protocol For Lyme Disease – LymeTalk.net

dr rawls lyme protocol Videos (bing.com)



Buhner Healing Lyme Site

One of the leading experts and researchers who passed away to investigate Lyme Disease and develop protocols for healing Lyme Disease.  He used the herbal approach. There is no easy road to overcoming Lyme but he should be one of your mentors on your path to getting back your life. Research all areas of his links including core protocols.  I have used most of his along with Dr. Lou Rawls who is the other mentor and Lyme Disease Expert.  They saved my life and mental health through my path through Chronic Lyme Disease.




Dr. Alan McDonald

Dr. Alan MacDonald is a pathologist and researcher who has conducted extensive research on the relationship between parasites and neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS) 123

He has discovered nematode parasites and their eggs, larvae, and debris in spinal fluid samples of MS patients 1. Dr. MacDonald hypothesizes that these parasites carry Borrelia spirochetes, which cause MS 1. He also found Borrelia pathogens inside parasitic nematode worms, worm eggs, or larvae in the brain tissue of deceased patients 3.

 Dr. MacDonald discusses his groundbreaking research findings on topics such as the Lyme disease connection to suicide, brain cancer, Leukemia, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease, in addition to how acute Lyme disease disrupts liver function and why and how Lyme disease testing is flawed.

Episode 171: Lyme Doctor’s Doctor – an interview with Doctor Alan MacDonald

Episode 300: Ahead of the Curve – an interview with Dr. Alan McDonald – Tick Boot Camp

Alan Macdonald: Multiple Sclerosis is a parasitosis (youtube.com)

Dr. Alan MacDonald discusses Lyme and Lewy body dementia (lymedisease.org)

Lyme Bacteria Hides Inside Parasitic Worms, Causing Chronic Brain Diseases (prnewswire.com)

Alzheimer Borreliosis | Alan B. MacDonald’s website


Dr. Nicola McFadzean, N.D.  (CA)

Dr. Nicola McFadzean, N.D. Is a doctor who treats patients in San Diego, CA.  She is the author of several books including Lyme Brain, Lyme Diet, and The Beginners Guide to Lyme Disease which I highly recommend. I took my Lyme practitioner training from her as well. She has courses on her website for both patients and doctors to become Lyme literate. If you can, I am a fan of her courses. She uses both antibiotics and herbs with patients depending on the individual protocol. She also consults by phone as well.  Her books are easier to learn from as she focuses on teaching about Lyme but on a level that most patients can understand.




https://restormedicine.com/  (her clinic in CA)


Richard I. Horowitz, MD

Board Certified Internist and Director of the Hudson Valley Healing Arts Center, in Hyde Park, New York, USA. He is a founding member of ILADS, and is President of the International Lyme and Associated Disease Educational Foundation (ILADEF), an organization dedicated to the education of health professionals in the diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne disorders.






Cowden Lyme Protocol




“The Cowden protocol uses 14 different Nutramedix products, including 7 herbs called Microbial Defense that have antibacterial activity. The first two herbs: Banderol and Samento, were tested in vitro by Dr. Eva Sapi and her team at the University of New Haven, Connecticut. It has been proven that both herbs eliminate all forms of Borrelia burgdorferi (spirochetes, cysts, biofilms).

It has also been shown that Banderol and Samento are more effective in breaking up the cysts and biofilms of Borrelia bacteria than doxycycline. Dr. Richard Horowitz of New York stated that the Cowden protocol is effective in 70-80% of patients with advanced LBC for a period of 4 to 6 months, even if the patient’s condition has not improved over several series of antibiotics.

Dr. Horowitz presented his research on the use of the Cowden protocol in patients with Lyme disease and co-infections at the ILADS conference in autumn 2007. A 9-month study was also conducted using the Cowden protocol by the Borealis Center in Augsburg, Germany. The studies were completed in 2012 and showed that 80% of patients showed improvement in symptoms (according to the patient’s interview) and 90% showed improved blood tests results in the laboratory.

One of the reasons for the success of the Cowden protocol is that Microbial Defense products have a broad spectrum of activity – against bacteria, fungi, parasites, and even viruses, they have anti-inflammatory effects and are not toxic to the body. The use of herbs helps in fighting Borrelia infection and other microbiological infections, removing symptoms accompanying the disease, strengthening the immune system, do not cause intestinal dysbiosis, and are safe to use. Toxicological studies at the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador have shown that herbs from the Cowden protocol can be administered to animals thousands of times over the recommended dose without changes in animal behavior or organ histopathology.”


Connie Strasheim Story

She goes through her story and an in-depth discussion on all the bizarre symptoms we have with Chronic Lyme that is hard to describe to others such as your brain feeling toxic, temperature fluctuations with no fever, mental and memory symptoms, and so much more.  




Lyme Guide

This site will confirm some of the symptoms regarding memory, brain toxic symptoms, and just how Lyme Disease makes your brain feel which is hard to describe to others.  Your brain and mental function feel toxic.





Teasel Root Therapy 

Lyme Essential Oil Treatment for Pain
