Lyme Organizations and Educational Resources

Lyme Organizations: Educational Articles,Videos and information to educate yourself on Lyme Disease

If you want to educate yourself on Lyme Disease, start with these Lyme organizations below that contain the most factual and up-to-date articles, research, and news on Lyme Disease, its co-infections, Chronic Lyme Disease. 

Most of the material you read in general web searches is from standard medicine and not up to date.  You need to read the most accurate information on this subject on the websites listed below. 

Late stage Lyme Disease include Lyme Neurological symptoms in
Lyme Neurological Symptoms include brain fog.

Lyme Disease.Org

This site is one of the best sites to find out the most up-to-date research and information on Lyme Disease and its co-infections.They publish a magazine with some of the newest Lyme Research which is worth the membership price.You do have to become a member to access some of the benefits, but I list this because it is worth the money to do so.I am a member so I can access information for myself. The 2nd link does help you find a Lyme-literate dr in your state.

Join their patient database program here to help others: 

“MyLymeData is one of the largest patient-driven registries in the nation, with over 16,000 patients enrolled. It was created by patients, is run by patients, and will address the issues that Lyme disease patients care about. MyLymeData Viz provides the community with results from MyLymeData. If you are enrolled in MyLymeData, we thank you for providing the data that will accelerate the pace of research in Lyme disease. If you are not enrolled, please enroll today.”



Global Lyme Alliance

Global Lyme Alliance among other Lyme Disease information, the different stages and its symptoms such as eye pain and vision problems, sore throat that occurs chronically, and other odd symptoms. You can learn so much from this page and its other resources.



Lyme Boot Camp

Home Page

Great educational site with podcasts by the greatest expert Lyme doctors and educators. 

Blog Posts



Lyme Guide

This site will confirm some of the symptoms regarding memory, brain toxic symptoms, and just how Lyme Disease makes your brain feel which is hard to describe to others.  Your brain and mental function feel toxic.

Teasel Root Therapy 

Lyme Essential Oil Treatment for Pain



Lyme Disease and Dental Health

Lyme disease can affect your mouth, jaw, and throat with sore throats that come on suddenly.



LymeLight Foundation

“Our mission is to provide grants to enable eligible children and young adults with Lyme disease to receive proper treatment and medication and raise awareness about Lyme disease. ” Since most insurance does not pay for Lyme treatments, this is a possibility to get help for treatments.


Lyme 360


“Welcome to Lyme 360, a podcast for all things related to Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses. I’m Mimi MacLean, mom of 5 and Lyme Warrior. Each week, I will bring you doctors, practitioners, treatment experts, and Lyme warriors to provide tips, strategies, and real-life stories to help you on your healing journey. I am so happy you are here and I can’t wait to get started. Subscribe now and tune each week for a new episode.”  intro to their website and resources. I suggest checking this site out and all its benefits.