Review The Alive and Healthy Book Store Find hard-to-find unique Ebooks and supporting products about Cancer and alternative therapies, COVID-19 Healing and recovery, Lyme, Autism, Herpes, Iodine therapy, MMS, Women’s health and More!
I am hosting a full page for Alive and Healthy because they have some amazing EBooks. The mom and daughter have extensive experience and training as medical researchers and have traveled all over the world. Their life is one I admire and have deep respect for. (These are their products and books but I deeply believe in what they are doing which is to help people to be healthier)
From the Alive and Healthy website, “Over the past 10 years, Jennifer (mother) and Lydian (daughter) have traveled to nearly 50 countries to explore traditional medicine in tribal communities and medical tourism facilities that offer unconventional treatment methods for diseases that conventional medicine has failed to cure.
They look beyond Western medicine and study other medical models that offer clues and cures for common (and rare) but devastating diseases. And while doctors currently ignore the role of nutrition in disease (most doctors take 1 or no nutrition classes as part of their education), Jennifer and Lydian always incorporate a “food as medicine” approach into their writing and their work with clients. The role of food and nutrition in health is another topic that they have explored hands-on in every country they’ve visited.”
I own several of their books so I can vouch for the quality of their Ebooks.
I encourage you to visit their book store and browse through their E-Books covering topics as Covid-19 recovery and healing, Alternative Cancer natural treatments, Lyme Disease, Herpes, Autism, Women’s health and More. Learn about MSM and Iodine protocols. There are so many of their Ebooks devoted to overcoming Cancer.
They also sell some great supporting products to go along with their books. The book below covering Covid Healing and Recovery is just one of their many E-books on hard to find healing protocols!
“COVID-19 and Respiratory Infection Self-Treatment and Prevention – Volume 2 (e-book)” Review Here
This book covers the following topics:
The Long COVID Stages of Healing,
COVID Anti-Virus Diet
- How to Use Trace Minerals to Overcome COVID
- Nutritional Supplements to Treat and Prevent COVID
- Trace Mineral Deficiencies and COVID-19 Prevention
- PQQ / Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Long COVID Treatment
- Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) in the Prevention and Treatment of COVID and the Treatment of Long COVID
- Alpha Ketoglutaric Acid Treatment for COVID and for Long COVID
- Herbal Therapies for COVID, Influenza, the Common Cold, and Other Respiratory Infections
- Bee Therapy
- At Home COVID Symptom Treatment
- Nebulizer Treatments for COVID-19, Colds, and Influenza
- How to Cure Long COVID and COVID
- Essential Oil Cures for COVID
- Suramin Long COVID Treatment
- Treatments for Long COVID Brain Fog, Fatigue, Body Aches, Shortness of Breath and More..
- IV Therapies for Long COVID Headaches and Brain Fog
- Methylene Blue Treatment for Long COVID
- How to Energize and Electrify Cells to Get Rid of Long COVID
- Vibrational Medicine Therapies to Cure Long COVID
- How to Balance the Autonomic Nervous System to Get Rid of Pain That Doesn’t Respond to Drug Therapies
- How to Get Rid of Biofilm