Andrographis paniculata is one of the safest and most potent herbs that conquers colds, flu, viruses and inflammation. Andrographis contains various antioxidants. It is anti-microbial, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, boosts and supports immune function, liver protective, heart-protective, and is antiviral. This herb is also very important in fighting Lyme disease! Infections, colds, flu, and respiratory infections are no match for Andrographis. It is the king of bitters, even surpassing Goldenseal and is less expensive!
Andrographis is also known as “Indian echinacea and Kalmegh”
It has been grown and used as medicine in South Asia in countries like Sri Lanka and India for centuries. Andrographis is still used today by Ayurvedic Doctors and in TCM. It is a sleeper in the US because most shoppers are unfamiliar with this herb.

Benefits of taking Andrographis
Andrographis is antibacterial and antiviral activity and verified by research!
Research shows potent antibacterial activity against Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli, and Staphylococcus aureus, viral hepatitis B and C, and Chlamydia
Research studies also prove that andrographolide has antiviral properties that can restrain virus replication and virus-induced pathogenesis, viral hepatitis B and C and Chlamydia
These properties boost the immune system in fighting infections, colds, coughs, respiratory symptoms, sore throat, and flu. It is one of the most important herbs to have on hand and use during the cold and flu season.
Andrographis is anti-inflammatory
“Research suggests that andrographolide, the main compound in the plant, can significantly reduce inflammation that’s caused by histamine, adrenaline, and dimethyl benzene.”
It is my experience using this herb and Neem for over 8 years, that if you suffer from inflammation that you should try Andrographis and Neem for several weeks and see if it makes a difference in your pain level.
Andrographis is one of the herbs used in the fight against Lyme Disease and its Co-infections :
Andrographis is one of the important herbal tools that are effective against parasites, roundworms, and tapeworms. It is one of the herbs I take weekly.
I use in my Lyme Disease protocol. It does help Lyme disease patients with the inflammation and neuroinflammation associated with Lyme disease. It is also important because it kills parasites and worms.
It is not first on the list to treat borrelia. In two studies it was shown not to work on borrelia. I have looked at different articles and feel perhaps that the dosages used in these studies were not high enough for proper treatment. In Ayurvedic medicine, they use high doses of the Ayurvedic herbs. Most of the studies were only using low or moderate dosages. This is why many herbs fail double-blind studies. These studies either use a questionable quality product, do not use the full herb but test only the main property of the herb, give a low dose of the herb, or do not carry out the study for a long enough period.
Andrographis – Herbs Database | RawlsMD
New Johns Hopkins Study: 7 Herbs Can Kill Lyme Bacteria | RawlsMD
Andrographis Contains anticancer and antidiabetic properties
Andrographis also contains anticancer effects and antidiabetic properties as well. If you are taking medicine for diabetes, it could lower your need for these medications.
Where are the most important medicinal properties found in Andrographis Paniculata?
Andrographis with its potent properties, are found in the leaves and underground stems of the scrub. This herb is little known but is cheaper than Goldenseal and has fewer adulteration problems. It does not have to grow as long in the soil before it can be processed for its amazing natural antibiotic and antiviral properties.
Precautions on buying Andrographis
Andrographis comes from India and Sri Lanka. I advise that you buy it only from companies that test the raw herb here in the US for heavy metal contamination and other contamination. Testing in India is NOT sufficient.
I buy my Ayurvedic herbs only from this company, Banyan Botanicals for that reason. I support this company because of the problems normally found in buying herbs from India and China. Unless they are tested for heavy metals and contamination, organic or not, they may not be safe to take. Banyan states and you can read all the tests they perform on their products.
Why? Banyan Herbs list on their website all the specific tests they run on the Ayurvedic herbs they sell.
Without these tests, you may not be taking an herb that is not safe. Here is the link to see their testing procedures and this is EXTREMELY important when buying from India and those countries. If you cook with garlic most of that garlic comes from India along with other spices. Spices do not get the testing that herb supplements do. It is more than likely that your spices contain heavy metals.
Contraindications: Andrographis taken along with blood thinners, and blood pressure medicine do not mix well so you should be monitored by a doctor!
Women who want to get pregnant or are pregnant, nursing mothers, and people taking blood thinners, or blood pressure medicine, should not take this herb without being under the direction of their doctor. Many herbs have the properties of lowering blood pressure or thinning the blood. If you are on medication, that could intensify the prescription you are taking for these disorders and cause interactions.
1% of individuals taking Andrographis experience hives as an allergic reaction, so take a minimum dosage first to test it out in your body. The possibility of an allergic reaction can happen with any food, drug, or herb. It is always suggested you try a new herb or vitamin for about a week to see how your body reacts. It is also suggested to try a small dose first, then gradually increase the herb.
Dosage: The dosage depends on the situation and is not set in stone. I am giving you below a clip from his site. Dr. Axe is a doctor and I am not. I give you these links in this article to read more in-depth on these herbs…to get educated before you take them. You need to understand why these herbs are suggested and what they can do in your health regimen. You need to educate yourself on how to use them properly. I always suggest yo consult a holistic doctor before taking herbs and especially if you are taking drugs and prescription medications.
Dosage recommendations below from Dr. Axe site; Talk to your doctor before going on new herbal protocols.
“Today, popular forms of andrographis include capsules, extracts, tinctures and teas. There is no single recommended dose for the plant or its compounds, but various doses have been studied.
For the common cold, one report suggests a “reasonable dose regimen” of a 300-milligram tablet, four times daily, for the first few days of symptoms.
For fever reduction and relief from inflammatory issues or pain, taking a higher dose of three to six grams daily is typically recommended.
Another common dose for ulcerative colitis and issues related to inflammation is 1,200–1,800 milligrams of andrographis extract per day for eight weeks.
To determine the right dose for your needs, speak to your naturopathic doctor or health care professional.“ Dr. Axe and his site
Educate yourself below on how Andrographis can be an important tool for many different kinds of health problems including colds and flu.
6 Benefits Of Andrographis: Dosage & Safety | The Botanical Institute