Using Herbs Against Colds, Flu, and Infections

How many times have you been sick with colds and flu lately? Losing work?  Sick of being sick? Learn the advantages of using herbs against colds, flu, and infections over antibiotics! Tips on how to use them and why.

People today use and have used antiviral and antimicrobial herbs over the centuries.

Herbs have been used for centuries when people get sick. There are thousands of herbs, plants, mushrooms, and tree leaves such as Neem leaves, Olive leaf and Ginkgo leaves with very potent medicinal properties. Many of our drugs originally came from herbs or a natural source.The usage began in every civilization around the world starting from biblical days. There were no antibiotics for centuries and people did survive.


Picture of a Virus, one of many different that cause illnesses.
Antivirus means the herb or antibiotic works to disrupt the virus and defeat it.


Know the difference between antiviral, antibacterial and antimicrobial.

  • What does antiviral mean? Flu, Covid, colds, and stomach flu are all in the virus family! Some are more serious than others but they are all in the same family. Antiviral means it destroys viruses.


  • Antimicrobial substances can work against a broad spectrum of microbes (bacteria, mold, mildew, algae, and viruses)



The advantages of herbs over antibiotics.

  • Many herbs contain various properties that work to defeat both bad viruses and different kinds of bacteria that cause infections.


  • Herbs have positive effects on many systems of the body. They do not just have one main effect but influence the body in several ways to support better health by boosting the immune system and supporting organs and systems such as the respiratory system, including the lungs.


  • They don’t require a prescription or a doctor’s visit but a holistic-oriented doctor may be needed to help you to determine the best program to heal. They do require you to learn what herbs do and don’t do…. self-education.


  • They do not destroy the microbiome or your gut function. Herbs and supplements boost immune function against both viruses and bacteria.


  • Herbs do destroy bad bacteria but leave the good ones alone.  They support and strengthen your body’s own immune systems you were born with. 


  • They are natural and have very few, less severe side effects than antibiotics.


Antibiotics are needed for emergencies and life-threatening infections, especially if you have no experience using herbs or do not take enough of the correct herbs for the health issue. 


Realize that There are thousands of deaths per year from antibiotic-resistant infections such as staph!

Antibiotics have been overused! That is why we have superbugs that are antibiotic-resistant called MRSA (antibiotic-resistant) infections. That is why people suffer from so many gut problems, they have overused antibiotics in many cases.

Andrographis conquers colds, flu, and inflammation.
Andrographis one of the important herbs for colds and infections.

How to use herbs Effectively below

How people fail when using herbs for colds and flu.

Important: Most people do not take the herbs at the beginning of the cold symptoms, do not take enough of the herb, do not take it often enough, or use the correct herb to defeat the health issue.

  Buy quality herbs, not the cheap version at Walmart. You pay for what you get!

    Begin the herbs at the beginning of the symptoms.

    The infection is harder to stop once it sets in.

    Herbs should be taken 3-4 times a day just like antibiotics

    Take the dosage recommended on the bottle 3 times a day.

    Take Zinc, Vit C and Vit D at the recommended dosage twice a day as well to support your        immune system.


Recommended herbs include Oregano, Garlic, Elderberry, Goldenseal, Neem, and Andrographis. These can be taken in capsules or tinctures.

Garlic can be used fresh, in soup, in capsule and liquid form as Kyolic garlic.  Elderberry is often given in liquid form and there are child versions of this product. Goldenseal is very expensive. We do Neem and Andrographis instead.


NOTE: If you do not get well or get worse after several days when down with a seasonal illness like flu, it may be necessary to go to the doctor to get diagnosed. Realize that herbs do treat a virsus, but antibiotics do not.


If you are having trouble breathing, visit your doctor or the emergency room. Those of us trained in holistic medicine know when an infection warrants a visit to a doctor. Many reading this article, do not have that knowledge or experience.


NOTE: Most herbs cannot be taken during pregnancy, or given to babies or young children. Herb dosage is dependent on weight and other factors.  Herbs should not be taken with medicines because they can interact negatively.  This is especially true regarding heart and blood pressure medications, medications for anxiety, depression, and mental disorders, blood thinners, and other medications. Herbs have potent effects and need to be administered with knowledge and expertise.

Why do doctors say herbs are ineffective or that there are no herbs that work against a virus? They will tell you the same thing about bacterial infections as well.

Historical use and published research prove those doctors are wrong.  If doctors in foreign countries use herbs and natural medicine, why not here? Follow the money trail.  The sale of drugs brings in millions to the drug companies. The drug reps are the ones who educate the doctors on using those drugs. 

Standard medicine doctors in the US are NOT usually trained in nutrition, preventive health, herbs, or natural remedies.

They are trained on the use of drugs, lab tests, and symptoms that a lab test, surgery, chemo, radiation, and other accepted techniques can identify.  The majority of them do not get additional training or education on preventive health practices unless they become a naturopathic doctor or osteopath.  They work 70 to 80 hours a week and have no time to investigate these topics.  They speak from their education and experience which is standard medicine. They cannot give you proper guidance on these subjects.

Does your doctor ask you why you are obese, why you have high blood pressure, whether you smoke, or drink too much, or what your diet is? They spend 20 minutes with you, then prescribe a drug or order tests or radiology visits.  This is medicine in this country, the USA. 

Read my other blogs on these cold and flu herbs that fight infections.

How Goldenseal Root fights  infections

Andrographis Conquers Colds, Flu, Viruses and Inflammation

The Amazing Properties Of Neem as an Antibiotic, Antifungal, Antiviral and anti-inflammatory 

How to take herbs safely and effectively.


We don’t get Sick from colds and flu

We have not had COVID, colds, or flu for the past 20 years. We have not experienced any of the lung issues.  I did get strep throat twice when visiting relatives who had it. One of those times, I did use antibiotics since I did not have any herbs with me. I am a trained and educated herbalist of 35 years. I have been using herbs and supplements for 40 years after being educated in them.