The Turmeric Golden Milk Drink is for health and a strong immune system. It is an anti-inflammatory drink that is soothing as well. It is Ayurvedic in origin but has become popular in America now. In making the Golden Milk Drink you include milk or various alternative milk substitutes, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, and other Ayurvedic ingredients including Ashwagandha. It’s a healthy alternative to coffee and other drinks.
It was almost 8 am and I was wide awake at 5 am to begin writing. This is about the time when I take a break and make my hot golden milk drink. For those of you who are coffee drinkers, it may be the second or third cup you have in your morning. For me, coffee tears up my stomach, so I make this drink instead. I also take Siberian Ginseng caps at the same time.

How to Easily Add Adaptogen Herbs to Your Morning or Afternoon Break… Designer Turmeric Golden Milk …Hot and Delicious
Why do I call it Designer Golden Milk? I add more herbs into the drink than is usually called for. One morning I may make it a bit differently than the next. I have an aversion to following recipes unless as in bread, it is a must. I have this part of me that likes to add or change a recipe for fun.
This golden milk drink you can design to your health needs directly. If my knees are hurting, I add more ginger or Turmeric. I may drink it twice during the day. If I am feeling tired or less focused, I may add more Lion’s mane or my mushroom mix.
Designer Golden Milk Ingredients
The first ingredient is milk. I use from one cup to cups of goat’s milk, but it could be almond or whatever your favorite milk is. I then add about a 1/2 Tsp of turmeric powder, 1/2 tsp of ginger, 1 tsp of lion’s mane, 1 tsp of a mushroom powder mix, nutmeg and clove to taste, and black pepper a pinch. Turmeric needs black pepper to help your digestive system to use it properly. Next, I add 1 tsp cinnamon and 2 tsp cacao powder with organic honey to taste.
Add Medicinal Mushroom powders to your drink to strengthen your immune function!
Last but not least I add my different mushroom powders. I use a 1/4 tsp to a half tsp of each mushroom mix. Lion’s mane, Turkey tail, reishi, chaga are four I use every day. I heat this mixture and drink it once or twice a day. You can make this into a hot chocolate drink by adding hot chocolate mix powder as well.
Experiment to see what your taste buds enjoy.
Start with less of each herb until you get the taste the way you like it. Some of the mushroom powders are bitter as Reishi mushrooms. There are many variations to experiment with, but this is mine. You can design this drink with more or less individual ingredients. You can add Lion’s Mane to your coffee as my husband does.
Why should you drink Golden Milk instead of Coffee or some other beverage?
Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and beneficial for your whole health, and ginger is also good for your digestion and is anti-inflammatory.
Lions Mane is a tonic for memory, brain health, focus, and concentration without any caffeine.
Mushrooms support immune system function and support the whole body for energy and drive. The cinnamon is good for supporting your sugar levels and tastes and smells delicious. Nutmeg and clove are also supporting your immune function.
Side Effects from your Golden Milk Drink.
A note that Turmeric stains your tongue and any surface it touches so be careful. If you are going out to a group meeting, your tongue will stay yellow for several hours. Mouthwash does not take the stain away. If you spill Turmeric powder or liquid on your sink, spray the stain with bleach immediately. There have been a few people who have ruined a rug by spilling Turmeric powder or liquid on it. Turmeric will also discolor a colored saucepan as well. It is strong stuff.
Golden Milk Drink Reactions are possible to prescription drugs.
You can have an allergic reaction to any new product no matter how healthy it is. Just keep that in mind. If you take prescription drugs, your stomach can react to mixing the drug and your drink ingredients. I would drink your golden milk two or three hours later or earlier than when you take your daily prescription drugs. Ginger could interact with one of the stomach acid prescriptions or one of the anti-inflammatory drugs. Turmeric has vast healing properties for all organs and systems.
Do you have a sensitive stomach?
If you have a sensitive stomach, add one ingredient at a time to the drink. Wait 2 days, then add two ingredients at the same time. This also helps you to determine how strongly you like your drink. It is easier to add more to make it stronger than to make it less strong if you have overdone it.
Start with a smaller amount of herb powder, then increase it. Make sure your herb powders are from a company that tests their herb imported powders for contamination, heavy metals, E-Coli, and make sure the powder is genuine.
For me, I only buy Turmeric, Ginger, and the other ingredients from either Banyan Botanicals or one of the other sources that I know test their products. Buy with this in mind or you are hurting your health.
I do hope you enjoy trying this drink to benefit from its healing properties.
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Cathryn Freer, the Herbladyisin