Find the TOP Holistic Health Research Institution links.

Research your health problem from a natural health perspective. Visit the TOP holistic health research institutions’ links below to research your health problem options.


Links to Holistic Health Research Data Bases so you can research alternative solutions to your health problem.

These are all educational research resources and links below. I get no reimbursement in any way to support the sites listed on this page. None of these companies paid to get their company listed here. It is all for your education. The resources below are the ones I use both for my own health and to write articles on.  These holistic health experts are people to depend on for your path to better health.


Green Med Info 

Amazing website for research evidence-based holistic medicine research studies, articles, and videos. It has some free functions and some that you have to be a paying member to utilize.

I am a member here because I constantly research information for new articles I write.  All blogs are written by alternative medicine doctors and experts. I get no reimbursement in any way to support his work.

Recent Green Med Blogs 



Pub Med or the National Library of Medicine Research Hub

I use this site as well as Green Med Info to do research for my articles. You will find the most herbal research studies in Pub Med and Green Med Info and you can research the topics for free.

“PubMed® comprises more than 35 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher websites.”


Orthomolecular Medicine Website

Learn about orthomolecular medicine, its principles, and its goals.  Orthomolecular medicine uses optimal dosages of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients to restore balance to health conditions.


Cleveland Clinic Library

Excellent resource with an extensive library of articles to read and learn from.


The Botanical Institute

Their website is an extensive library of botanical profiles on herbs with pictures for identification, and articles. It is a wealth of information to help you research herbs and holistic medicine.

There are evidence-based reviews on every article before publication. It is a high-quality site to study herbal medicine.



World Wide Health Directory

The directory contains thousands of articles on holistic medicine.



Alliance for Natural Health

The Alliance for Natural Health USA (ANH) is the largest organization working to promote and protect natural approaches to regenerating health. We believe it is every person’s right to select the modalities of their choice to stay healthy, and that responsible healthcare means having the full spectrum of these choices available, particularly effective, safe, and low-cost healing therapies based on high-tech testing, diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes.” quoted from their website.

Visit this site to learn what you can do to fight for our rights here in the United States to continue to have access to buy vitamins, minerals, and nutritional supplements. The AMA and various entities want to take away your right to easily buy health food supplements. They are trying to pass laws that would make it impossible to buy supplements unless you get them from your doctor at many times the cost you pay now.

It is their intent to make herb companies go through billions of dollars of tests to qualify to sell them, as drugs do now. Drug companies will not put money into testing herbal products, since the profit margin would not pay for the testing procedures.  That means that herbal and vitamin products would be taken off the shelves. You need to sign petitions and send messages to your state’s representatives on these matters. They need to hear from you. If you don’t, you may lose your rights in the near future.



Science Open Research

ScienceOpen is a discovery platform with interactive features for scholars to enhance their research in the open, make an impact, and receive credit for it. We provide context-building services for publishers, to bring researchers closer to the content than ever before. Our advanced search and discovery functions, combined with post-publication peer review, recommendation, social sharing, and collection-building features make ScienceOpen the only research platform you’ll ever need.”


Banyan Botanicals- 

Their site has some great education on Ayurvedic herbs and lifestyle. If you want to explore this topic, this is a significant site to do so. They do sell Ayurvedic herbs as well that are tested for heavy metal poisoning, heavy metals and other toxins which is important for safety’s sake. This is where I buy my Ayurvedic herbs because of the testing they perform on their products. The link above is to their education area.


The Ayurvedic Institute

If you want to learn about Ayurvedic medicine, this is one of the top sites to visit. You can read to whatever level of expertise you strive for. They have courses to become an Ayurvedic teacher or doctor as well.



Udemy Courses on Ayurvedic Medicine

This has educational courses on many subjects, including Ayurvedic medicine for beginners. Taking a course here would get your feet wet on how serious you are to become an expert on this subject. The courses are not free, and you need to explore each course offered to know if it is in-depth enough for your goals. I have not taken any courses there on Ayurvedic medicine, so am just suggesting you investigate this option.


Links to the top holistic doctors who are medical experts and educators

I will be adding possibly more sites in the future but these sites above, but I consider some of the best to start your research on.


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