Frankincense a natural treatment against cancer, Inflammation and Skin Problems


Frankincense Therapy: Unlocking Nature’s Miracle

Frankincense is an amazing natural treatment against cancer, inflammation and Skin Problems. Its history of usage goes back many thousands of years throughout history to support immune health, calm down inflammation, help with skin issues, and as a natural treatment against cancer. It has been used in medicine across different civilizations.  

Frankincense Therapy: Unlocking Nature's Miracle
Frankincense for cancer, skin care and so much more.


Frankincense Benefits

Frankincense Improves Mental Clarity and Reduces Stress 

Today, stress and anxiety are one of the most pressing problems for people trying to cope with today’s very stressful times. Using Frankincense, essential oil acts directly on the brain’s emotional center to calm your mind down and make you feel less tense and upset.  Many yoga teachers use Frankincense oil to relax, get centered, and to meditate with. Relax by adding a few drops of Frankincense to your bath water before bed to help you sleep. 

Frankincense helps with keeping your mind clear on days when you are struggling!


Boost your Immune System Support using Frankincense Oil

Research verifies that Frankincense can boost your immune system because of its remarkable compounds which fortify and protect your immune system from all the bacteria and viruses that assault your body daily. You can take it by capsule or rub the oil into your neck area. 

The major active components of frankincense are the boswellic acids (BA), which are extracted from the woody parts of different Boswellia trees. The representative phytochemicals are β-boswellic acid, acetyl-β-boswellic acid (ABA), 11-keto-β-boswellic acid (KBA), 3-acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid (AKBA), α-boswellic acid, and acetyl-α-boswellic acid. Figure 2 shows the chemical structure of the main BA.


Got Inflammation? Frankincense can save the day!

Frankincense is commonly used to give relief for arthritis, asthma, skin issues because of its researched powers to reduce inflammation in the body. This improves your life when dealing with chronic pain, that makes it difficult to enjoy life and activities. Add a few drops of Frankincense with a carrier oil and apply to your joints, shoulders, neck, or arm.  You can also buy it as a salve, which you rub into the area that is hurting.  If you have Lyme pain in the back of your neck and head, rub into the skin along both sides of your brain stem. If you have swollen Lymph node glands in your neck, massage the oil into those swollen glands. 


Frankincense Helps Soothe Skin care problems.

Frankincense is one special skin care product you should add to your daily regimen. It helps reduce age spots, wrinkles, improves your skin tone, reduces scars and stretch marks after birth or after losing weight. It helps with inflammatory skin conditons as well.  Use 2 to 4 drops with shea butter or coconut oil massaged into skin.

Video on how to use Frankincense Oil

10 Recipes using Frankincense and others oils for health and skin problems.


Frankincense and Cancer Research

Frankincense is shown by research to help in skin cancer. I use it to treat the patches of basal cell cancer that reoccur after unsuccessful surgery and treatment by standard medicine dermatology doctors.

Dr. Budwig Protocols use Frankincense essential oil, especially when it comes to fighting brain tumors. Now research trials highlighting frankincense’s potential canter-fighting abilities are filling medical journals.

Specifically, Indian Frankincense (Boswellia serrata) has been shown clinically to be a potentially effective treatment for brain cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. I used it with my basal cell cancer located on my shoulder blade along with black seed oil and Perrin’s cream. 

Dr. Axe  and his video on Frankincense Oil Benefits


Research is now proving the health benefits of using Frankincense. Its use through the centuries, starting with the bible is being scientifically proved.

“This review highlights the chemical compounds (boswellic acids) isolated from Boswellia gum resins and their potential antimicrobial, anti-tumor, and anti-inflammatory effects. The beneficial role of Boswellia gum resins in treating chronic diseases, such as colitis and bronchial asthma, in small studies including human patients, demonstrate the potential of frankincense for treatment in the clinical setting. However, more studies including a higher number of subjects and clinical trials are needed to confirm and expand our knowledge of the use of frankincense for treatment of chronic diseases.

Furthermore, this review discussed the antimicrobial effects of several active compounds of frankincense. Given the high cost of antibiotic therapy and the increase in antibiotic resistance, more research is needed on the potential antimicrobial effects of natural products. We focused on the most recent discoveries of the beneficial effects of frankincense compounds against oral pathogens, given the important connection between oral and systemic health [].

Gum resin of Boswellia is included in the list of substances Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS), which allows its use as a food additive by the U.S. FDA []. One could easily envision the incorporation of frankincense and some of its components such as BAs into mouthwashes and toothpaste, and into topical ointments for inflammatory disorders of the skin.”  from Pub Med