Myrrh: How it is used for Infections, Colds, and Flu

Myrrh is one of the most important natural and potent herbs used to defeat Infections, Colds, and Flu including Staph infections.

It is great for mouth and throat infections. It is effective, yet does not cause gut harm or create antibiotic resistance, as drugs do. In many countries such as Germany it is used by doctors to treat illnesses. The oldest records for the use of Myrrh go back to 1500 B.C. where it was listed in the ancient Papyrus Ebers for mummification and treatment of wounds. In the 11th century, Myrrh’s usage spread to other countries such as Egypt, Africa, Persia, Greece, and China by wandering spice traders.


How Myrrh is used for health in other countries:

Used historically and in Native cultures today for worms, parasites, and infections of all sorts.

Myrrh and Ayurvedic Medicine: Called guggul and prescribed for circulation problems, and arthritis, and soothe the nervous system. It is also used to reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Myrrh and East African Medicine:

Used historically and today to treat snake bites and other venomous bites. It is also used for colds, coughs, diarrhea, and treatment of wounds, venereal disease, and female disorders

at home, corona, house-4980360.jpg
Learn about Myrrh as an antibiotic.

Myrrh Used by Chinese and Tibetan medicine:

used historically and now to treat bone pain, menstrual problems, wounds, leprosy, cancer, gonorrhea, and other infections.

Myrrh and Middle Eastern Religion:

Myrrh is used in the Middle East as medicine by a good percentage of people for the same ailments as stated above.

Myrrh and Female Problems:

Myrrh treats dysmenorrheal, amenorrhea, and vaginal infections. It is used as a douche.

Myrrh is used in many parts of the world by many cultures for the same ailments for thousands of years. Native usage demonstrates effectiveness. 

It is interesting to note that generally Myrrh is used by all of these cultures for the same conditions. In these countries, doctors administer herbal medicines. These doctors have gone to school as American doctors do here. The difference is they use both herbal medicine and standard medicine at times. They combine the best of both worlds to help their patient get healing. That should give you a good indication of the fact that Myrrh does work for these ailments, despite the lack of double-blind studies. Native use over thousands of years is an excellent demonstration of Myrrh’s effectiveness!

Modern Research Validation for Historic Native Usage:

Myrrh’s Usage in The Food Industry: used to flavor baked goods, beverages, candy, gelatins, puddings, soft drinks, and Swedish bitters,

Industrial Applications Using Myrrh: It is used as an adhesive thickener, stabilizer, fixative, emulsifying agent, clarification for beverages, and release agent for rubber products, and tons of it is used for chewing gum. Myrrh is used as an insecticide, termite, and mosquito repellent.

Myrrh’s Approval In Germany for Remedies: Germany has published many research studies. 

Myrrh gum resin and myrrh tincture are listed officially in the German Pharmacopoeia and Commission E Monographs. The tincture dosage is approved in the German Standard License Monograph. It is approved for dental OTC remedies, mouthwash, toothpaste, ointments, and in tablet form. It is approved as a treatment for thrush in infants.

Germany does not approve of anything without scientific research. Their drugs, vitamins, and herbs are all controlled by German pharmaceutical companies. These pharmaceutical companies control all herbs in Europe now.


Myrrh is Approved by Most European Countries:

Myrrh is approved by most European governments for OTC products such as toothpaste and mouthwash.


Research, Myrrh, and Parasites:

It has been proven by research to work against many parasites. Its historic use for this purpose has been borne out by research


Research Studies Prove Myrrh Contains Antimicrobial Effects Including Staphylococcus

Lab research has shown that myrrh is effective against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Staphylococcus Aureus, and Escherichia Coli. This means it is a natural, effective antibiotic for use in coughs, colds, and illnesses. A nasty sore throat would benefit from Myrrh capsules internally and mouthwash containing Myrrh and Tea Tree Oil. Staph or strep is usually responsible for sore throats. E.Coli is food poisoning.

Veterinarian Medicine:

Myrrh is made into a tincture for application on horse and cattle wounds.


Research, Myrrh, and Anti-fungal Properties:

Lab research shows Myrrh is effective against Candida Albicans, a fungal infection. Used as a douche in many cultures.


Research, Myrrh, and Glucose Lowering Effects:

Laboratory research has shown that Myrrh may lower blood sugar levels. If you are taking Myrrh for a cold and are taking diabetic prescription drugs, monitor your blood sugar more carefully.



There are no double-blind research studies to back up Myrrh’s use in tumors but that does not mean it does not work. Since it is used for tumors in other healing modalities such as Chinese medicine, I would say there are valid reasons they are using it. If you want double-blind studies right now, they are not there.

How I have used Myrrh essential oil for months in my daily routine. 

I use Myrrh daily.  Oil pulling is an Ayurvedic practice for keeping your mouth free from infection. It is part of my oil-pulling solution used to keep a long-term jawbone infection under control. I use it along with frankincense in the oil solution that is held in my mouth for 10 minutes, swished as a mouthwash, then spit out. I also massage the essential oils externally into my jawbone and face area.  I have months of personal experience using these essential oils. This article is important when often we now have MRSA infections that do not respond to antibiotics. 


My ENT specialist approves of my oil pulling, although he does not understand it completely. He is a standard ENT specialist.

I just went to an ENT specialist this month.  He looked at my history, performed an exam, and asked me some questions. I told him what I do for my jaw since the infection in the jawbone is antibiotic resistant.  He asked me how I use them. In the end, he then said well whatever you are doing is working so keep it up. This is a well-respected doctor who has clinics all over Colorado.  When infections become resistant to antibiotics, traditional doctors really are out of tools to use. He has no options for me other than very invasive procedures such as surgery. In my case, I am doing well with my use of natural healing measures.

Myrrh is an ancient herb used in ancient history and today with research to back it up?

Myrrh (Commifera Myrrha or dindin tree) is a tree that is etched into ancient history. Its gift is not its leaves or fruit, but the aromatic, bitter gum resin that flows from its bark when cut.

There are almost 135 different species that range from scrubs to small trees. The harvesters slash the bark, and the gum resin oozes out, it is left to harden, then scraped off, dried, and ground into a powder. Myrrh is then made into ointments, perfumes, and herbal medicine.

Myrrh Is an Ancient Tree: The oldest records for the use of Myrrh go back to 1500 B.C. when it is listed in the ancient Papyrus Ebers for mummification and treatment of wounds. In the 11th century, Myrrh was spread to other countries such as Egypt, Africa, Persia, Greece, and China by wandering spice traders.

Religious Importance: Myrrh is burned as incense with the belief that prayers are being sent up into heaven with the white smoke. Myrrh was a precious herb to the people of that time. The gift of Myrrh showed honor, respect, and love.

Myrrh is one of the most important herbs mentioned in the bible. Myrrh was one of the three gifts given to baby Jesus by the 3 wise men. You can find this recount in Mathew 2:11. When Jesus was crucified later, his body was wrapped in myrrh and aloes. This was the burial custom of the day by the Jews. Why was Myrrh given as a gift? Why was it used in the burial process for Jesus and other Jews? Learn about the history and healing properties of this potent medicinal herb, Myrrh.

Why was the body of Jesus wrapped with myrrh and aloes? Myrrh and other perfumes were used to delay the decay of the body and to reduce death odors. The aloe and myrrh also made the body wrappings stick together. Myrrh was also burned during the cremation of the body.

Other historic uses were to perfume undergarments, and bed linens, as a sachet worn between a woman’s breasts, and used to anoint the feet to show respect. Remember baths were few and far between so body odor and house odors got pretty strong. Clothes didn’t get washed often either. Imagine wearing your gym clothes for a week straight. They needed something to kill the odor and bacteria. Myrrh worked.


Check out the references below to learn more. The more you learn the more you will want to know about herbal medicine.

Why aren’t herbs and Myrrh used in the US by doctors here?

Doctors here do not prescribe herbs nor even suggest herbs. for any ailment, only drugs. In fact, they tell you not to take them, that they are not safe nor tests. Their bias is so severe that patients have to hide the fact they are taking herbs at home.

Drug sales make billions of dollars for the government, the doctors, and the companies that manufacture the drugs. So because of money, power, and politics, the FDA and AMA do not accept the billions of dollars of research published in other countries.

The research is there from other countries such as Germany but is not accepted here.

These are research studies, lab studies, double-blind studies that are valid, and top-quality research.

The Germans and Japanese, to name two, have thousands of research studies on herbs.

Government doctors in many countries prescribe herbs for ailments. In the US a doctor will get his license taken away and grief from the AMA. Money, and billions of dollars in drug sales, are why all this extensive research is ignored by our FDA and AMA, instead pushing drugs that are destructive in their life effects.

Disclaimer: The FDA and AMA have not approved the content of this article. This article is for education only. This article is not meant to prescribe, diagnose, or treat any illness. Consult your holistic doctor before you try an herbal regimen.


Antibacterial activities of some constituents from oleo-gum-resin of Commiphora mukul – ScienceDirect

German Monographs, Myrrh

German Monographs are published by the German government in Germany.  These Monographs state what Germany and its research have found for each herb and how it can be used in medicine and OTC medicine.

Germany manufactures the herbs just like drugs.

Many of the herbs we buy freely over the counter are prescribed by doctors in that country and others. Again prescribed by doctors! 

This is why it is so tragic that doctors here in the US are not educated on herbs, nor will they prescribe them even if the infection is antibiotic resistant.

Always consult your doctor before using herbs. 


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