Recapture your dreams by letting go of old views you have of yourself and what you can do. Often the biggest problem in getting well or being happy is US and our limiting beliefs on what we can accomplish. I have been thinking a lot about this concerning my own life. I realized that along with some of you, I need to do some deep soul searching and revising. What I found is I had let myself give into some limiting beliefs this year. It was a hard year as many of you have had and I let it get to me. So how do you turn this around?
Whether you like Trump or not, he will be our new president in 2025. RFK is 70 and he will do amazing things. Trump did make one of the most amazing come backs in our history. He overcame huge obstacles to make that come back. Age or past defeats should not stop you! Dust off your dreams you had when you were younger but never got to them until now. Perhaps your dreams need to be updated. You may have had some dreams on your bucket list, but they aren’t so important at this time. Where are you going and what do you REALLY want this next year?
You need to sit down and do a heartfelt diagnosis of what is important to you now and for the next few years. What does your heart want? What is important to you at this time? If you were going to die in a year, what would you make sure you got done? So, what is next once you have made that list?
Your Achievable dreams begin with your first steps on your path to completion.
Let’s say that you have decided to write a book. Break that down into doable steps. Determine what it is in your heart you want to write? What novel or story is in your heart to write? Next you want to break it down into chapters and create an outline for each chapter. Then investigate publishing platforms such as Amazon Kindle.
Perhaps it is to get healthier in 2025. The problem is you haven’t exercised in years. Your diet is full of sugar, junk food, and calories. You are overwhelmed in even thinking about it. The first step is to put down why you want to be healthier….list all the reasons and make them important ones such as being healthy to do more with your husband, your children or your grandchildren. Search your heart and list how these changes in your diet or lifestyle would help YOU directly such as giving you better health to enjoy those activities that you cannot do now. What deep in your heart do you want to do but can’t now because of physical issues?
Put that list up on your bathroom mirror or on your refrigerator where it stares you in the face.
Once you have taken some time to discover what you want, then break each goal into small bites or steps.
If it’s to begin exercising after years of sitting on the couch, start with walking a few steps or half a block. After a week, try a half block more and so on.
If it’s your diet, start by cutting out one soda is you drink 5 a day. Then after a few days, cut your soda intake by two a day. If it is junk food, cut out one item per day until you don’t crave it, then a week later cut more out. Put items you want to cut out in another room or in a cabinet you need a stepstool to access. Put a note on the refrigerator if that is the issue. You must retrain your mind to win the battle.
Tell close friends your goals and let them help you be accountable. If you have no family support for your goals, then join a group that will support your new life steps whether it be a physical group or online group. You need support during those tough times when you are not making progress, or the cravings are eating at your mind.
Retrain those NEGATIVE voices.
When that little voice inside your head tells you to give in, tell it no that you can do this. Re read your goals and steps. Pray about it and let God give you the strength to say no to that voice and those unhealthy habits that are creating your health issues and hurting your dreams. Instead of eating that cookie or drinking that soda, make that step in that moment to pick a healthier choice. Success in reaching your goals takes place in thousands of tiny decisions every day. Write down some positive affirmations that you read several times a day or when you are working hard to resist cravings. Start your morning with prayer to help give you strength to get through the day and make each small step toward your goals and wish list.
Read inspiring stories of others who are making life changes despite obstacles such as disabilities or horrible events that changed their life forever. When you read stories of others who against all odds such as being born without limbs who excel in life then you realize your obstacles are small in comparison. They are huge in your mind.
Focus on your successes and your step moving forward even if the steps are small. A new life begins with one small change at a time. If you have a bad day, dust yourself off, get up and try again to move forward. Try to accomplish one thing a day you need to do. Do the thing first you avoid the most. At the end of the day, write down all the small things you got accomplished. For some of you it may be as simple as doing the dishes or making the bed. If life has you down, tear down one obstacle at a time. When life looks like there are more obstacles than you can move, move one little one first. Rock and rock, remove them. Soon you will see the difference that each little step makes. Once you clear some away, you will realize you can to it.
This week do one thing each day to start. Try it. Let’s not let another year go without taking that first step.
I am sending you all prayers for a good ending to this week.
Cathryn Freer, the Herbladyisin