Improving Memory and Brain Function Naturally

Learn how to Improve Memory and Brain Function starts with treating Lyme disease first, implementing lifestyle and diet changes, and utilizing brain herbs, and brain-boosting nutrients.  Each person is unique in their recovery protocol which takes experimentation and fine-tuning.  This is a multi-part series over the coming two months.

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Emerging from memory issues is tough but worth the time and effort! I did it and so can you! If you don’t have Lyme but you are experiencing memory issues, these articles will benefit you as well.

This series of articles comes from the trenches on improving memory and memory function. I talk about this path having gone through it. For myself, Lyme disease came after the aftermath of two concussions, the last one being when I fell down a steep icy hill hitting the back of my head severely. That was not even one month after we moved to TN in 2015 in the dead of a winter storm.  Then several years later, both my husband and I ended up with tick infections.

Lyme and Tick diseases may be the hardest health challenge you have to overcome! Memory and brain issues are part of the debilitating symptoms of Lyme and its co-infections. Head injuries make it worse. You can recover!

My husband ended up in the hospital in TN with Rocky Mountain Spotted fever at the same time I was finally diagnosed. He also has experienced three TIAs or small strokes. I think the stress of working at Sam’s Club contributed to his stress and TIA’s.  Each person reading this article will have different health challenges.  You must be willing to try different individual programs to recover. I am sorry but there is no simple easy program that fits all.  Please go to the Lyme resources section and begin educating yourself on the first steps of starting a recovery plan from Lyme disease. There are doctors such as Dr. Rawls that can help you begin that first step.

Recovery starts with the correct diagnosis. It can take up to 10 doctors to get the proper help.

My memory had not recovered from the fall when I was later diagnosed with Lyme disease. Lyme disease affected my brain function as well.  I was so sick from Lyme that my balance was being affected. I was the sickest I have ever been and I was losing my memory and suffering from Lyme rages.  I would boil eggs, completely forget I was cooking them on the stove, nearly exploding them on the ceiling.  This is how bad it got.  I thought I was going crazy or sinking into dementia. Neighbors noticed how sick I was. Our good neighbor then convinced me to go to the doctor even though I had been misdiagnosed three different times. He, himself had been hospitalized with tick disease earlier in the year.  That visit to a different doctor with some knowledge of Lyme disease was critical. It was the beginning of our journey to recover our physical and mental health.

Yuma has been a healing place to live! It takes time and patience.

We have lived here in Yuma, Co going on 4 1/2 years.  Through research and experimentation developing our own individual program, we have improved our health and brain function to the point of feeling very blessed. I no longer burn food or forget to turn off the sprinkler. I have begun writing again as well.

You can recover from memory problems and Lyme Disease!

This article is the beginning of a series of articles to improve your quality of memory and overall health using herbs and supplements that improve brain function. The first step in this series of articles is determining how your memory and brain function is working. You also need to look at what lifestyle habits are contributing to your memory issues such as eating a lot of sugar foods, not getting enough sleep, evaluating your stress level, and if you overdoing caffeine and other stimulants to excess.

Are you treating your Lyme or tick diseases?

Late stage Lyme Disease include Lyme Neurological symptoms in
Lyme Neurological Symptoms include brain fog, hea

I am going to assume that you are already on a program to treat your Lyme disease. You will not get the proper diagnosis or treatment from a GP or even an infectious disease doctor unless they are Lyme literate.  You will waste time and your money.  10 days of doxy is not the solution for most patients.  It may help but it does not completely irradicate the disease and its symptoms.  The standard tests for Lyme disease miss a great number of patients and cannot diagnose chronic Lyme disease. Those tests do not test for the co-infections either. Most patients have Lyme plus several other co-infections as well. If you cannot get a diagnosis, there are certain herbs that you can use to treat Lyme. That is what I have used for 90 percent of my journey.

Please go to the Lyme resources section and begin educating yourself on the first steps of starting a recovery plan from Lyme disease. There are doctors such as Dr. Rawls that can help you begin that first step.


Your attitude is the first step in recovery! Do you believe your cup is half empty or half full?  Do you BELIEVE?

This is the first and most important step to improve your life and memory.  There are many layers to health so you must evaluate where you need to make improvements. The first is your mental outlook.  You need to look at your view of life right now. Your immune system listens to what you say to it.  If you are telling it, ” I am never going to get well! You won’t!  This is the first step to wellness is working to stay positive about your ability to recover. I know personally how hard this is to do. I have been down that road. Progress is slow many times and setbacks occur often. It seems like you will never have more good days than bad.  You must not give in to the tendency to give up.  What you focus on is what you will get!  


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God and faith help you to heal.

God and Faith can give you the strength to change your lifestyle habits. 

I have relied on my faith in God through some really hard times. I believe prayer does work. Ask for healing and ask for knowledge to know what to take to get well. I know that God has answered my prayers many times.

At one time in 2018, my memory was so horrible, that I was burning eggs and had difficulty remembering my kid’s birthdays.   I still take herbs to feed my brain.  I have come so far so I know you can get your life back.

What lifestyle changes do you need to implement to recover? To recover from any illness, you need to improve your health habits.  

Get rid of junk foods to improve your memory and health.
Junk foods harm your memory and your health.

Get rid of junk foods and sugar in your lifestyle. You hear this all the time but have you implemented it? Today is a good time to start…even if it only eating one less cookie or one less soda.  Take small steps each week!

#1  Get rid of sugar in your diet including artificial sweeteners. Junk foods are destroying our health. They are everywhere. They all contribute to poor memory and health. They are the base cause of diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. It is one of the main reasons for heart issues as well.

Wean yourself off the diet sodas, soda, chips, snacks, and sugary sweets.  You can have them as a treat here and there but your main diet should be minus these useless foods. Delete these foods over several weeks, cutting them down day by day. 

Clean out your shelves and throw the stuff away. Do not keep it. When you are craving sugar, remember that your main goal is to improve your health, and list the reasons why you are doing this. When you are craving sugar or junk food, start a chore that requires full concentration and keeps your hands busy. Go for a walk or work in the yard.  Get yourself away from the refrigerator and the food shelves. Why am I starting with this advice first? It is because a majority of you reading this have not even started this one step up to now.  Any journey starts with the first step.  Make one goal for this week such as cutting out a soda or cookies. Do it today!

Some of the topics for the future will be about other negative lifestyle habits and then about foods, herbs, and nutrients that improve health and memory.

All for now, Cathryn Freer the herbladyisin