Join my Lyme Support Group on X below!
I invite you to join my Lyme support group on X. It is for people with Lyme or Lyme co-infections or have Chronic or late-stage Lyme. This group will be there to support each other and to learn about resources and treatments that may be unknown to some. I will be sharing new research and news that you will not find on standard media sources!

Most Lyme patients have little support from co-workers, family, spouse, or friends. They suffer from a disease that does not show on the outside. We look fine but are far from fine. This disease may be affecting your job, your ability to parent, and your relationship with your spouse. You go to doctors to get ignored or treated improperly or sent to a mental health doctor. There are thousands of Lyme patients whose lives are being devastated by its symptoms. You need a place where you feel accepted and where others know how you feel. Come to my group. It’s NEW and so we are just getting started. You can be apart of helping this group to grow and flourish.