ALS,MS,TM,and mental disorders disable the lives of thousands of people in the US and the world. Some of these patients were misdiagnosed and with testing proved to have undiagnosed Lyme disease instead?
These people have been treated by their standard medicine doctors for years in some cases without success and in wheelchairs, then later learn they were misdiagnosed from the very first incorrect diagnosis.

ALS and MS Misdiagnosis are being exposed in more and more patients!
It is not just GPs but some of the most renowned doctors who get the big bucks who have refused to consider Lyme Disease or order testing. If they order testing, it is for the basic tests which are wrong 50% of the time such as the blot test or Elisa Test. How many thousands are suffering right this moment from Lyme who have been told they are crazy, making their symptoms up, or have other diseases that are wrong?
Listen and Learn from Dr. Alfred Miller who is exposing this misdiagnosis of ALS and MS!
I just listened to Dr. Alfred Miller, who is a respected and highly educated, experienced doctor with some 50 years of experience whose own daughter-in-law was misdiagnosed with MS by several institutions. His research to help her and retesting for Lyme saved her life and got her the help she needed.
I personally didn’t know about this doctor until it came up in one of my Facebook Lyme groups. This is where I get help from others posting research studies and other important information in the fight to get well. I am a member of a whole group of people who have been misdiagnosed with ALS, MS, and other disorders incorrectly. They had to use their own money to get the Lyme Tests because their doctors simply would not help them.
Listen to Dr. Al Millers’ four Videos below:
Dr. Al Miller Lyme Disease Part 1 (
Dr. Al Miller Lyme Disease Part 2 (
Dr. Al Miller Lyme Disease Part 3 (
Dr. Al Miller Lyme Disease Part 4 (
A Lyme Story: Reclaiming Life from ALS — Illinois Lyme Association
It is my intent to help you and the many thousands who are suffering from incorrect diagnoses such as ALS, MS, or Mental Health Diagnoses to go find a Lyme literate doctor and get tested properly. How much is your life worth? I know the money you will spend will hurt, but your life is being impacted and cut short by your misdiagnosis. You may have lost your job, your spouse, or your family because of your misdiagnosis. In some cases, you are considered crazy or suffering from schizophrenia or other mental disorders.
Other videos and links below will help you on your path to finding the real cause of your ALS, MS, TM or Mental Disorder.
A Lyme Story: Reclaiming Life from ALS — Illinois Lyme Association (
Lyme Summit 10/21/22 – Neuropsychiatric Lyme Disease: Manifestations & Treatment (
Neuropsychiatric Lyme disease with Dr. Cameron (
Facebook Group to Help you on your path to proper diagnosis below.
When ALS, MS and TM are Lyme is a Facebook group. You can find this group by putting the name of their group into your Facebook search. I cannot give you the direct link. You must join the group yourself. Join this group and you will find how many people went years with incorrect diagnoses. It is appalling and tragic.
IGenix Labs which is one of the best labs in the world for Lyme disease and its various co-infections runs about 1600 and more depending on the co-infections tested for.
These tests are the only comprehensive tests that properly and expertly test for Lyme Disease and its co-infections.
Sadly, this is the truth. You can spend your money on general practitioners, infectious disease specialists, and mental health doctors and end up with incorrect and horrible diagnoses.
Misdiagnoses can cost you months and years in your path to try and correctly identify your illness
These misdiagnoses can cost you months and years in your path to try and correctly identify your illness. It will also cost you thousands of dollars as well, trying to get the right help. None of these doctors are educated in Lyme disease, especially the later stages of Lyme Disease. They use testing that misses Lyme Disease. I hear this over and over in all my Lyme groups, who are all looking for answers. They are finding the answers through these groups where people after years and money spent find they were sick with Lyme Disease and its co-infections from day one.
Proper testing will put you on the road to getting well!
IGeneX | Lyme Disease & Tick-Borne Disease Testing
IGeneX Bootcamp – Laboratory Testing for Lyme Disease and the Co infections by Dr Joseph Burrascano ( Please review this video to learn why using the IGeneX lab is important and how to put your money into their best tests to get the results you need.