Lifestyle Choices that Lower Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is cancer of the cervix that connects the uterus to the vagina.
This cancer has no symptoms in the early stages, is usually caused by the HPV virus, and grows slowly.
According to The National Cancer Institute, there were over 12,000 new cases in 2010 with 4,210 deaths.
It has been shown that over 26 percent of women test positive for one or more strains of the HPV virus.
HPV is highest in young women between the ages of 20 and 24 years of age.
What can you do in lifestyle factors and natural medicine to lower those risks for this disease?
Lifestyle Prevention:

Insist on Safe Sex:
The most important step you can take to prevent cervical cancer is to practice safe sex.
By practicing safe sex or no sex you avoid HPV infection.
Multiple sexual partners and having sex at an early age raise the risks.
The use of condoms has not been proven to stop the HPV virus but is important for safe sex.
Not having sex should be stressed by parents and health classes to young women.
Boost Immune Function:
Make sure your immune system is working at its full effectiveness.
A good healthy diet and exercise all are factors to build a healthy immune system.
Stop Smoking:
Smoking raises your risk to develop cervical cancer.
Efforts to stop smoking should be a high priority for your health.
In women who are infected with HPV and smoke too, the risk triples to develop cervical cancer.
Research the Contraception Method You are Using:
Oral Contraceptives play a role in the development of cervical cancer.
HPV-infected women, who have taken Oral contraceptives for 5 to 9 years have 3x the risk for cervical cancer.
If you have used oral contraceptives for over 10 years, your risk is 4 times greater.
Use Natural Personal Care Products:
Organic natural sanitary pads and personal care products are the best choices.
Avoid talc powder on the vaginal areas.
It has been shown to increase the risk of ovarian cancer and other female problems.
Read labels and buy the products with the least chemicals in them.
When you add up the different chemicals used on our hair and body, it is quite a toxic load .
This total load of chemicals creates a body environment that is unhealthy.
Maintain a Healthy Weight:
Researchers state that women who are overweight double their risk for cervical cancer.
Obesity leads to many diseases and is one of the most serious risks in our country today.
Obesity is a major factor affecting American women today.
It is extremely important for your overall health to lose weight and maintain a normal weight.
This should not be accomplished with diet drugs and fad diets!
Your basic steps to better health should include exercise and cutting out sugar and junk foods.
Exchange Your Junk food for a Healthy Diet:
Americans don’t eat enough raw vegetables and organic fruit.
A healthy diet should include organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds.
If you eat meat, it should be organic if possible.
Add Lots of Organic Raw Vegetables:
Indole-3-Carbinol is a plant compound found in vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli.
This compound has been shown in recent clinical studies to reduce the risk of cervical cancer.
That is why a diet of organic vegetables is so important in the prevention of cancer.
Natural Herbs Research Studies:

Curcumin comes from the herb Tumeric.
Research has shown that mice given a diet with 5 % Curcumin seeds had a reduced rate of cervical cancer!
Curcumin has been shown in many studies to reduce inflammation!
It is used in India for the prevention of cancer as well.
Curcumin is one of the most researched herbs.
You will find clinical trials and research in India and China that are quality double-blind studies.
You will not find this information in mainstream medical news.
Research this valuable herb for yourself.
This herb is more effective when combined with bromelain or black pepper.
Agaricus blazei Murill Kyowa Mushroom Extract:
Studies have shown that it helps to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy: hair loss, weakness, and loss of appetite.
It did not stimulate immune function in the studies.
Japan has been using medicinal mushrooms for 20 years to boost immune function!
Oncology doctors have also found it useful to ease the side effects of chemotherapy.
This is not the only medicinal mushroom used in cancer therapy.
Cats Claw:
Research cancer studies show that this important herb helps support your immune system!
Immune function is important in avoiding all kinds of cancer and disease.
Immune function is the number one step for longevity and health.
One of my favorite personal books for cancer research and alternative treatment is below:
The Complementary Oncology: Adjunctive Methods in the Treatment of Cancer.
The book below should be included in your library on holistic cancer treatment.
The authors Josef Beauth, Ralph Moss, and Ulrich Abel report cats claw is beneficial for symptoms of cervical issues:
irregular bleeding, abnormal vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, and other symptoms.
These cervical symptoms listed above may be cervical cancer or the beginning stages of it.
They also report that cats claw acts in a preventative role to lower cervical inflammation and damage.
Cats Claw
Cats Claw helps to detoxify the blood system, liver, and kidneys.
It is easy to find in your local health food store including tea, capsules, extracts and combined with other herbs.
Cat’s Claw is one of the main herbs I use for my kidney problems resulting from an accident years ago.
It is too bad you can not grow it in your herb garden.
Make sure you buy a brand that tests the herbs to make sure they contain Cat’s Claws potent properties.
This is an excerpt below from a great article on Rosemary research, different cancers, and growing the herb.
Various research studies show this herb contains beneficial properties against many kinds of cancers.
Published Research Proves the Value of Herbal Treatment against cancer:
There are thousands of valid research papers published that prove herbs work against cancer.
Yet, your doctor will not tell you about this research.
They would rather let people die than inform them of their choices.
It is up to you to research how alternative medicine and herbs can benefit your cancer treatment program.
Seek the help of a holistic-oriented doctor or clinic that specializes in alternative cancer treatments.
The main problem with these treatments is that they are not covered by standard insurance companies.
That is the travesty in available cancer treatments.
You have to have money to get the treatments that prevent most people from using them.
There are treatments avail in Europe and Japan that are successful with cancer, again, unavailable here.
Vitamins and Minerals Important in the Formation of Cervical Cancer:
Research from the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center in New York:
This research compared blood samples from women cancer-free and those confirmed with cervical cancer.
They checked the blood samples for CoQ10 and Vitamin E.
The women with cervical cancer were low in both antioxidants.
Cervical dysplasia patients show low levels of selenium and zinc.
Copper is higher than normal.
Vitamin A:
The deficiency of this vitamin has been demonstrated in all stages of cervical cancer.
It has been shown in studies that Vitamin A can reduce the progression of the disease.
Cervical dysplasia patients test lower than normal on B-Vitamin levels.
Vitamin C:
High levels are associated with a reduced risk for cervical cancer.
Vitamin E and Carotenoid:
Reduces the risk for all stages of cervical cancer.
Folic Acid:
Its role seems to be in helping to prevent cervical dysplasia, not slowing down cancer once established.
What does this research point out?
We need to teach our daughters the value of waiting to have sexual intercourse.
They need to understand the deadly consequences of unsafe sex.
As parents, we need to work harder to instill values that protect them from sexual intercourse diseases.
We need to do this when they are preteens before they date.
Research demonstrates the value of nutrition and healthy lifestyle factors.
A healthy diet gives you all the nutrients to build a healthy body and immune function, and prevention of cancer.
Keeping your immune system working to its full effectiveness is important to the development of all diseases.
When your body is run down, you let down the wall allowing disease to take hold.
In America today, a diet of fast food, convenient food, empty food, and vitamin-deficient food is the norm.
For evidence of that, just look at the obesity and diabetes rates in this country.
We need to get back to the basics of superior nutrition, exercise, and the elimination of unhealthy lifestyle habits.
We need to eliminate sugar, soda, and junk drinks.
We can control what we eat, even if we cannot control some of the other environmental factors.
The Choice is yours.
Preventive Health Exams:
Women should be tested for cervical cancer on a regular basis.
The test is simple and available free on many insurance plans.
There are clinics that perform the tests at low cost or with a sliding fee based on income.
Get tested.
The Definitive Guide To Cancer, Lise Alschuler, ND and Karolyn Gazella, Celestial Arts Publishers,
2nd Edition, 333-340