Learn how to take herbs safely in this article. Are you taking your herbs properly and in the proper dosage? Are you taking the right herb for your health challenge? Did you research the company to see if the product was properly tested for dirt, mouse feces, heavy metals and Read More
Category: General Natural Healing Blogs
Find blog post in this section on holistic healing, living holistically, eating holistically and wellness.
Thoughts: Who Do You Think You Are?
Thoughts? Who do you think you are? Do you think of yourself as a failure? Too old? Too sick to get well? Do you look at the mirror and cringe at what you see? What do you say to yourself as you look at your wrinkles or dark circles under Read More
Join My New Lyme Group on X
Now that this is 2025, let’s get back to health! Lyme Disease, Chronic Lyme, and its co-infections are destroying so many people’s health and causing them so much pain and misery. In my New Group just starting, get support, share your story with others, and learn how to get your Read More
Learn About Lyme Disease Misdiagnosis include ALs, MS, TM and Fibromyalgia
Lyme disease misdiagnoses include ALS,MS,TM, Fibromyalgia, CFS, and mental disorders. These diseases disable the lives of thousands of people in the US and the world. It is now being discovered that many Lyme disease patients have been misdiagnosed by their GPs and infectious disease doctors for years. After they pay Read More
Recapture Your Dreams in 2025
Recapture your dreams by letting go of old views you have of yourself and what you can do. Often the biggest problem in getting well or being happy is US and our limiting beliefs on what we can accomplish. I have been thinking a lot about this concerning my own Read More
Improving Memory and Brain Function Naturally
Learn how to Improve Memory and Brain Function starts with treating Lyme disease first, implementing lifestyle and diet changes, and utilizing brain herbs, and brain-boosting nutrients. Each person is unique in their recovery protocol which takes experimentation and fine-tuning. This is a multi-part series over the coming two months. Emerging Read More
Defeat is NOT an Option
This is the end of 2024. Have you given up just because you may not have accomplished your goals? Defeat is not an option! Look at what you accomplished and what you did not and learn from it. Did it make you stronger? If so, then you are taking steps Read More
Using Herbs Against Colds, Flu, and Infections
How many times have you been sick with colds and flu lately? Losing work? Sick of being sick? Learn the advantages of using herbs against colds, flu, and infections over antibiotics! Tips on how to use them and why. People today use and have used antiviral and antimicrobial herbs over Read More
When life knocks you off your feet? Find the silver lining?
When life knocks you off your feet, find the silver lining! Often, after disappointment, we wallow in a pity party. That is ok for a short time but then it is important to dust your attitude off and look for the lessons and silver lining. You must look for the Read More
Does Holistic Medicine Always Work?
Holistic Medicine is a whole different view of a patient and how to treat them than how standard medicine treats patients. Is standard medicine safer and more effective than holistic medicine? The main purpose of the holistic doctor is to find the root cause for symptoms by looking at diet, Read More
What is Orthomolecular Medicine and its Importance?
Orthomolecular medicines’ main goal is to restore the body’s balance both in the brain and bodily functions by correcting imbalances or deficiencies based on each person’s biochemistry. Orthomolecular doctors utilize natural substances such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and amino acids to achieve that balanced chemistry. Orthomolecular Medicine was founded Read More
Adaptogen Herbs Boost Immune Function
Adaptogen Herbs Help You To Resist Infections, Viruses, and Bacterial Infections and Boost Your Immune Function. Adaptogen herbs are considered tonic herbs. Adaptogen herbs are taken in addition to improving your negative health factors such as a junk food diet, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, smoking, and drinking. Over Read More
Medicinal Mushrooms for Awesome Health Benefits
Learn today how medicinal mushrooms help boost your immune system and disease resistance. Mushrooms have been used for centuries and are one of the important keys to longevity. I discovered mushrooms late in life. It wasn’t until my traditional go-to herbs did not work for me with an infected jawbone Read More
Why Doctors and Scientists Reject Published Herb Research Studies
Why Doctors and Scientists Reject Published Herb Research Studies Posted on February 10, 2023 by herbladyisin Why do doctors reject published herb research from other countries? Learn Why You Will Never Get Exact and Consistent Published herb Research Studies. It is the fundamental difference between drugs and herbs. You cannot compare published Read More
Welcome to Cathryn’s Herbal Health and Wellness blog
Welcome to Cathryn’s Herbal Health and Wellness Blog I have been a healer and herbalist for 24-plus years. Holistic healing begins with your first step and continues for the rest of your life. Living the Inflamation-Free Lifestyle is one of the principles for health. In my blog, I share with Read More
Learn How to Repair Your Gut After Antibiotics!
In the U.S., more than 2.8 million antimicrobial-resistant infections occur each year! Have you taken a round or two of antibiotics? Have you taken antibiotics for weeks or months? Are you in gut pain as a result? In this article, find out what antibiotic side effects do to your gut Read More
Cooking with Medicinal Mushrooms
Cooking with medicinal mushrooms is one of the healthiest changes you can make to your diet for overall brain and immune system health. If you are not using medicinal mushrooms now, you should be. Cooking with medicinal mushrooms is easy and this article will give ideas to begin today. Read More
Herbs Of the Bible, Faith, and Prayer
It’s 2024, and the world seems in constant upheaval. I am introducing a new series of blogs on herbs of the bible, faith, prayer, and being an empath. Once a week, I will be writing on faith and healing, principles of healthy living that are found in the bible. You Read More
Improve Memory and Focus with Food and Herbs
Every time I search the headlines, I see articles daily on improving memory and focus, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and early-onset dementia. It is a hot topic and should be. If you don’t have a sharp memory, every aspect of your life is impacted devastatingly. Our lifestyle habits can make a huge Read More
Babesiosis Tick Disease Co-Infection on The Rise?
Why is Babesiosis, one of the many tick-co-infections on the rise? Babesiosis is caused by protozoal parasite, Babisia microti or its cousins. It is not a bacterial infection like the other Lyme co-infections. Malaria is also a protozoal parasite and there are similar symptoms. The difference is Malaria is passed Read More
What is Lyme Neuroborreliosis? Lyme Brain

Lyme Neuroborreliosis or Neurological Lyme Disease is when Lyme Disease infiltrates the central nervous system, usually in the later stages of Lyme disease. How do these bacteria work to disrupt your central nervous system? Here in the United States, Borrelia burgorferi and Borrelia mayonii are the predominant tick coinfections that are Read More
Overcoming Chronic Lyme Disease, My Battle Goes On
Chronic Lyme Disease is a battle that thousands face every day. It is a battle to get a diagnosis, then a battle to get proper treatments, and to regain your mental and physical health over weeks, months, and years. It is a battle that I face as well. My story Read More
Natural Thyroid Health Supplements
Natural thyroid health supplements are important. Your thyroid gland affects every function of your body from body temperature, to how well your immune and female systems work. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are two different ends of the same problem which is thyroid dysfunction. You should get lab tests to make sure Read More
Lyme Disease /Lyme Brain/Chronic Lyme Resources
You CAN Recover Your Health from Lyme Disease /Chronic Lyme, Lyme Brain/ Neurological Lyme “To get well from Lyme Disease, you need to know everything about this devastating disease, be better educated than most doctors, and be a pro-advocate to forge your own path back to health.” Cathryn Freer, Read More
Herbal Medicine Courses
Do you have a passion for all things herbal and holistic? Do you want to pursue becoming a professional herbalist? Are you a healer in your mind and heart? Is your main interest just educating yourself to help your family? Visit the links below on herbal medicine courses . Herbal Read More
Cathryn Freer, the Herbladyisin, My Story
How I became Cathryn Freer, The Herbladyisin, My Story My path to becoming Cathyn Freer, the Herbladyisin, took many twists and turns over the past 40 years starting when my youngest was a small child. She is the reason my whole life and focus changed. I am a native-born California Read More
Living with Chronic Lyme Disease, the Beginning
Living with Chronic Lyme disease affects the lives of many thousands of people here in the U.S. and across the world. There are many thousands more who are sick and go undiagnosed with Lyme disease. Many of you do not understand the danger of ticks and the devasting effects on Read More
Hypothyroidism: Holistic Treatment of Underactive Thyroid Imbalance
Hypothyroidism and thyroid disorders affect millions in the US alone, with an estimated 27 million undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Women suffer from thyroid problems more than men, due to their fragile hormonal systems and stress. Most patients with health insurance visit their doctor, who is only educated to treat hypothyroidism according Read More
Learn About Moringa Powder Supplement Quality and Dosage
Learn about Moringa Powder Supplement quality and dosage! Answers to Questions people ask regarding the nutritional benefits of taking Moringa Oleifera products. How much Moringa should I take daily? Should I stop taking my multivitamin? What steps are involved in processing Moringa and why do these steps matter? How can Read More
Herbal Companies Who Test Their Products Extensively

This page lists 16 A- Plus Herbal Companies Who Test Their Products Extensively! They go into detail on their quality control page on tests performed to determine if it’s the correct plant, and contains the correct medicinal properties. There are a number of additional tests the companies perform to determine Read More
Can You Trust Organic Certified Products?
Many of you reading this article buy organic certified products and herbal supplements because you feel they are safer. You may think they contain more quality nutrients with less contamination. The reality is that this is not always true. Find out why organic certified products may not live up to Read More
Learn Why Doctors Reject Published Herb Research Studies.
Why doctors reject published herb research studies. Why you will never get exact and consistent published herb research studies. It is the fundamental difference between drugs and herbs. Points to consider below: You cannot compare published drug research papers against published herb research. Why? You are comparing data on Read More
Alternative Therapies to Help Relieve RA Pain
If you have RA, you suffer severe pain and discomfort at times. Learn therapies that relieve RA pain including natural healing techniques and herbal relief formulas. The therapies you will learn about in this article involve physical activity and the power of using your mind over pain. Learn about Read More
Memory and Brain Fog? Prescribed Drugs that Cause Memory Problems
Memory and Brain Fog? Is Your Memory Getting Worse? Is your job being impacted? Is your family life being impacted? Prescribed Drugs that Cause You Memory Problems Suffering from Memory Problems and brain fog? Learn about prescribed drugs you may be taking right now that cause of your memory problems Read More
Alternative Medicine Research- Truth or Lies? How to Review Articles You Read
Learn how to review holistic research articles to find the truth. You read alternative articles and research briefs every day in newspapers, on the web, and in magazines. Many are negative about alternative medicine. Often those research articles are presented as evidence against herbs and vitamins. In some cases the Read More